Detheroc Horde Reconnections

Helping with your Lok quest, drunk ZF…
Good times…

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A few people from Suffer are going Horde on Herod server. Come join us! Message Nahyo for an invite when you see me on. :slight_smile:

Prayer/Killhem Orc Shaman. Used to be in guild called Waambulance. LF Guild Members. SLayer, Peacemaker, Flatbox, Zomo Smash, Seth ???box and whoever else was in it cant remember.

Atraue - druid < Plagued > and later Basko < S E V E N > - DK in Wotlk.

Hoping to see some old friends from S E V E N coming back for classic. Dev, Dal, Ryl you out there?

Pyledriver - Troll Mage
Stuffus - Orc Warrior
Guilds: Forgot to Repair, Plagued, RHOT, S I T H

Haha, Ryl!!! LOL

I still play with Bevo (shaman) and Boddington (druid). This is Pyledriver (mage)!

MobJustice here! I played a shammy in < Plagued > back in vanilla! Hoping to see some old names around!


Hey frank it’s hunter hawkeyed when we played in cheer up emo kid with alkurha Vince primus cannibal and all I can’t remember. Hope all is good I’ll be on Herod horde side.


Character:Amya undead mage.

Can’t remember all the guilds I was in but I was in dreadnought legion for most of it. Another character I knew was Badkore.

Mobjustice! Did you play a Human Mage on Thunderhorn? This is Created the UD Warlock. I was in Plagued.

I think I’m gonna gank Alliance with you guys this time around. Looks like a bunch of people are rolling on Herod. See ya there!!


Glad to see the Suffer players picked Horde and Herod this is the server myself and a few other former players have chosen as well! I will be playing as Squad rather than Doomsaw. Herod going to be poppin’ off!

Bobomonk from ENDLESS here!
You’ve seen me sitting around Org with a ridiculous amount of mini pets and any toy, mount or trinkety thing you could think of. I was ridiculous at times

Tucker… looking for FTR peeps. Two still sucks <3 WTB Happyminti

What’s popping Cricket, Kakashi, Hawkeyed and Frankduxlovestofux? It’s Mistake, was in Valen (Orc rogue) then Offense (Gnome Rogue). Good times. Where’s Cannibal and my boy Vegeta? Also just names I remember, Beanz, Bytor, Laup, Eyre, and some Ally peeps, Daara, Fatalist, Tangle, Harris.

Add me if you want to chat, making a comeback for classic on Fairbanks prolly. Mistake21#1111


Lurtzimus A S Y L U M was my original raiding guild then moved to Cthluhu Dawn with Samatakin. Heading up a guild on Thalnos as of now. Some names on here i remember and glad you all are still around! Been a long time.


What Server is the majorty of Detheroc guys going to be on? !

What Server is the majorty of Detheroc guys going to be on? !

I sure did! Made the switch with the Whiteknight and the rest when Detheroc started up!

Don’t know who’d remember me. I’m jelloshots i was with Cheesypoof, Cheesyblast, and cheesyman. they later changed to Jaydees, modelo, and dosequis. we were all part of S E V E N. i remember a few of y’alls names but i didn’t really interact with yall until late in cata i think when i started raiding then we went alliance side.