Detheroc Alliance Reconnections

Hey Slimj, are you going to be rolling a character in classic?

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Berserkrtank, Night Elf warrior of Lucidity. I was one of the youngest raiders on the team. Would love to hear from some of the old crew!


Hit me up hogie#1340

You too berserktank!

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I was once Viendre of Demented Toasters.

Night Elf Druid

My character was originally “landsalot” human male paladin. I was in numerous guilds, finally settled with Heroes Guild. Name and gender change happened, newer name was “lawlznobawlz” female pally. HMU ! :slight_smile:

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Was Babbasspirit NE Druid
Peterpann Human Rogue (Field Marshal)
Raided with Tears of the WinterRose and High Guarde. would love to connect with some familiar faces/names! :smiley:

Hi Y’all!!
Clumsy Rouge name Pfunk
Guild–ToTWR—Tears of the Winter Rose


I played a warrior named Krinkle. Guild was operatives. I’m also close friends with Loon (rogue) who was in Empire and Apocolyipse (spelled like a noob) who was a priest in high guarde, and LightemUpp who was in Operatives.

Shock and Awe & We R Adults PvP Guild. I Played Badmer as a Drenai Shaman on Detheroc and Badmer as a Dwarf Warrior on Malfurion (Still There). A few of the guys from We R Adults still keep in touch. Looking for the Shock and Awe guys (Condi, Chubo, Hurtnbombs…) Hola back.

Brixat, Hell and Back.

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Qui, yes I will be playing. Are you?

Grand Marshal Linkolas from Phoenix … later poached by IO… LOL. HMU #Linkolas1211
Viva La Titofrancis!


Whats up fellas! I was In a guild called Deus Ex, most people didn’t know about us but if anyone that was in my guild back then let us talk about the good old days and maybe make some new memories! Jarrodpaul#1540.



Lux Aterna - High Guarde - Forgotten Heroes - Amnesty - Expertise (GM) - Eminence - Seriously Casual

Natedawg - Hunter
Blessid - Priest
Madskheals - Priest
Madskhealz - Shaman
Divinebehind - Paladin

Sargeras to Detheroc to Black Dragonflight to Detheroc to Stormreaver to Tichondrius to Sargeras.

Playing Alliance on Sargeras currently, Warrior, Paladin, Shaman, Priest, Monk…never leveled my Hunter past 72. This thread makes me smile really big.

Still selling Pizza for Gold and doing mount raffles…ha! AskForNate#1425


Wow, I actually recognize a lot of names in this thread, including some old guildies. Hope the years have found everyone wiser and happier.

I grinded to field marshal before full time raiding with lucidity as a feral Druid.

I play mage these days, but I plan on playing classic as rogue on horde side.


Sylencer !!! I played a Night elf rogue

I’m starting to remember some of you… wow.
Hope to see everyone SOON :smiley:

Frogie - Divine - NE Warrior
Making Divine again for big classic fun push
Going Horde Eastern PVP -
Come join the fun


Hey all you Detheroc peeps, especially any NI alumni! Forad here, and I’m happy to see you guys. I don’t plan to make a new NI in Classic, but I do intend to play with some old friends on the Faerlina server for at least a month. Forad#1120
Also Natedawg, I’m willing to trade herbs for pizza.


Poplerople. Exiled Force - I think? Valkor if you’re out there I miss you bro. My real id got wiped after a hacker in Cata. Shout out to Tuffgong, Torma, Taddy (gnome lock if I can remember), Oz, and Lokiwolf. if any of yal are still around i’ll be going horde (probably) hit me up. Mozzy#11650

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I was in Redemption when Detheroc opened and later joined Hell and Back. After that I settled in with Offense for the remainder of Vanilla.

I currently play on Tich pretty casually and will probably be rolling on Whitemane if I decide to play.

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