Hey Lumi, played Trueasitis and tanked for you a while. Hows it been?
Any of the old Pirate crew still around (Nova Scotian), or Gotrek, Fizzanouske, Aeluhan, Susitna, Rumor, or Cara the only Boomkin?
I remember. I remember your hunter as well when we were in myrmidon in bc. Good times.
Yes sir it was. U playing classic? What server?
I am on classic. Playing horde on kurinnaxx. Orc rogue - luminaro
Holy S***, hey guys its Cutix
Add me
heya. hows it going :).
playing on Blaumeux alliance.
yo, sent ya an add, forgot to check back here
Pretty sure I used to hang out with you, think my character’s name was Cheeta ? ? Used to jump on top of the inn at Goldshire all the time lol
I was Anabell, I think? Honestly been so long can’t remember if that’s how it was spelled.
We would sit in gs round a campfire sometimes with a group of people, I absolutely despised leveling so I was almost always there or in sw with Lypso jumping around the tree. Ana was a nelf hunter and one of my other characters was Lovelydeath, gnome mage.
Definitely remember you and Shadow. (‘:
Those pink pigtails tho!
@Euphely / True
Some of us were talking about you the other day. (all good things, haha) Come say hi and I’ll send you the discord info! Carias#1372
Its Furbyy
Carias! I remember you! I dont know for sure if you would remember me lol. Diesol Human paladin.
100% remember you Hi!!
Lots of names I remember in this one. Those rogues!
Just checked the forums for the first time since I posted this…oops ! I definitely remember you! It’s been so long!
Hey, i just saw this, hope you see my response, would love to say hi
HDK Here. Holy Dragon Knights Guild
I don’t play much anymore, but I recognized some of the names and thought I’d say hello