Dethecus Horde Reconnections

Hey buddy! Glad to see you! I was wondering if you’d pop up.

We pushed BWL in DDD together. I was Muffinman.

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Hey dude, I remember you! Can’t remember if we raided together or maybe just did BGs or duelled outside Org but yeah. I was a female UD rogue named Llylith. :slight_smile:

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Hey I was in Kapitol with you guys! UD rogue named Llylith. You’re still talking to Blackspade? Wouldn’t mind saying hi to him. I’m rolling on Herod if you guys are planning on playing Classic at all

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word up malinubs, wheres the cool peoples rolling at


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Whitemane horde is where I’m going. IDK where cool people are going.

Insomnia is getting started up again on Fairbanks. Hochimince said, “He was God level druid pvp. Epl ganking with him was tight.”
I got people like pahn, ferren, darkness, adochan and others up in our discord. More information about what we doing in the Insomnia dethecus guild message of the day :wink: …or scroll up and find my contact info there.

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I def remember Llylith! My people will be rolling on Fairbanks! I’ll be Gempalm or Kalaen :slight_smile:

Aureon from Kapitol is rolling with me on Fairbanks!

Wow! Barcode! I had completely forgotten about you? (sorry). But instantly recognized it when I scrolled past it!

Insomnia is going to Fairbanks to my understanding. Haste is headed there too.

Farress here. Tauren druid. Runs with Scissors.

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I remember Anychance and Nochance. I was a druid named Faress in Runs with Scissors.

Was Aureon a shaman by chance?

Tell adochan I say hello, haven’t seen him since War Machines

I’ll let him know!
Yooo, also, I used to play with Haste back in wrath with my shaman “Nightstocker.” I was friends with Malpractice when he used to play with hunter back in Kin Folk and he tossed me an invite to Haste. If he’s there, tell him I said hello!

indeed he is.

sup breh, harley reminded me a few months back that i was mad at you over something but i couldn’t remember what it was


Started on Dethecus as alliance, buddy of mine and I started the guild “Jesters of doom” hit lvl 60 and switch over to Horde where we joined up with “CT” till we eventually quit the game/realm right around the time AQ came out.
Mondragoran (rogue)

Mondragoran/Cptnplnt (shaman)

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No idea why, but his name sounds oddly familiar to me.

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I remember you.:grin:

Oh man, the memories.