Bulkas weren’t you in Lucid at some point?
Hi Llylith haha, add me I’m playing horde on Kromcrush - BlackSpade#1847
so where’d you end up, friend?
Wait Bulkas was here? From Minor Prophets?
Yo. On EarthFury
Undead Rogue
Currently on Earthfury with Drok
Hey buddy, how is my favorite druid?
Char name was Zabali, was in:
runs with scissors
Months behind
Hu dat noodle house
Finished vanilla with haste, and raided with them through all of tbc.
When I stared playing again for wrath i joined up with months behind again and raided with them until cataclysm when i quit.
I remember ALOT of names in here! Wish i saw this earlier, I have 2 60’s on myzrael.
I played war in wrath too, with variants of Zab/zabx/zabloli … I remember name changing to Ranuvln (with a L) and afking next to him in org with an identical gear set.
Also name changed my sham in wrath to Susanboyle lol
Dontae, undead rogue.
we ready for TBC? hope we get a new forum to connect there, looking for anyone from RIP guild.
Also looking for some old arena pals, Mutation and Psyco! hit me up <3