Details! Damage meter not working since prepatch

Not sure if this is the place for this as this is an issue with an addon, but Details hasn’t worked at all for me since the pre-patch dropped. Anybody else having this issue? Know a fix? Hook a night elf up :slight_smile:

I got it updated from Twitch and seems to work fine for me.

May have to try to update it from their website, and not the app.

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Meant to respond using this character, not my lowbie alt.

I use twitch as well. Maybe its conflicting with another addon?

There have been a lot of issues with addons updating from Twitch. Either remove Twitch and switch to wowup or update Details directly from CurseForge.

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Oddly enough, I managed to get it working on some alts but it doesn’t show up on my main…

Thank you! I have been trying since pre-patch to get the meters to work. I deleted twitch got wowup and they work now.