Details! Damage Meter is setting max camera distance on startup - intentional?

DetailsFramework.IsDragonflightAndBeyond()) then --disable for releases C_CVar.SetCVar("cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor", 2.6

This is the part that’s doing it. I don’t know coding very well, but the – part makes me lean towards it being unintentionally enabled. These lines are found in startup.lua in Details’ folder (World of Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/AddOns/Details). Open the startup.lua file in WordPad or similar application and search by the term “camera” and it should be the only match.

I prefer a max camera distance of 1.5, so I just edited the file and changed 2.6 to 1.5, figuring that was the simplest temporary personal solution that was least likely to mess anything up. So far that’s done the trick for me.

I’m wondering if this is something that’d be worth bringing to the attention of the addon’s developers or not. What do you all think?

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Nothing ventured, nothing gained. At least they would know someone has noticed.

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