I never thought I’d see that guild name again… My god… This has made my day. It is too bad Destromath isn’t on the release list.
Eresh - Undead Priest
Hoping to find Mangcho/Mangchoosen and Gotwood.
Holderhek. Tauren Shaman.
R14. Reading is Fundamental.
Hit me up vanilla fam. Discord @ Holderhek#7777
Playing classic with Get of Fenris now.
Lethal/Claeric/Monomer Undead Rogue mainly - yippie Ki yay msg me pojoe#11859
Anyone from Grizzly?
The greatest PvP guild in the history of destromath
Anyone here from FuryUs back at the end of Classic and beginning of BC? Looking for a priest named Alco - Undead Priest, Bigstaff - Undead Mage, and Doshun - Undead Warrior. Played horde on Destromath despite being an Aussie.
This is Diciple\Gronnk - Tauren Shammy (only good shammy is a shammy with green hands…)
Gronnk! lol its bigstaff! I think we have some people comin back from the old days… hit me up in discord Pain#9209
Sharisraël - Tauren warrior (tank) - French Quebecers guild… don’t remember the name of the guild dammit!
caedmon aboohoo#1566
Orc Warrior
Darkshire Demons
Reading is Fundemental
Undead Priest
G unit, Prometheus, Crypt Friends etc
I remember keeping Aphroditi alive in BGs and Xarcos telling me I was the only other healer in our guild who wasn’t a complete idiot.
^— Jonus
Hey boo boo. miss you.
I’m Jonus BTW
Thebound was an interesting guy…
I believe my name was probably some variation of Kortnie, lol
Undead Mage.
I was in a few guilds but I only remember raiding in Clockwork.
Malhoof, Tauren warrior. Significant guild was Souls of FxC. Aphexs was my class lead and Ziaman our compendium of loot table knowledge. Ah, the days of my youth.
Steerdeez, feral druid at heart, resto for raids. Going Hunter my 1st pick before the druid
Guild- Clockwork
Where my Wisconsin boys at Tbon, Jonnie, Lil and my feral mentor Kronus, rolling Horde on Whitemane
Caedmon! It’s Hook, from Secret Tech! Good to see you’re still around!
Hey man! its morathos!! i was in resurgence with you, i think.
Holder it’s Paynehunter. Undead rogue from RiF.
Nightman Troll Hunter
Colonial Space Marines / G-UNIT / Momentum
Hit me up if you’re looking for classic guild and want to raid again!