Balzamon from Red Hands. We are forming back up on Thunderfury is anyone is interested/ Add me Alzamon#1168
Awesome! If you want to join hit us up on Kurinaxx horde side
You still playing? I feel like I haven’t seen you on Bnet or steam or anything dude!
I remember healing with you - one of the only names I remember cause it was so out there.
Inertia - Momentum
Playing on Whitemane Horde
HEYYYY this is Leeco!
Me, Paois, Cons, and Roark are playying classic together on Thunderfury, Alliance. I am trying to get as many ppl from IOP together as possible. Message us back or find us in game!
Hey is Leeco,
Me, Paois, Cons, and Roark are playing classic together on Thunderfury, Alliance. I am trying to get as many ppl from IOP together as possible. Message us back or find us in game!
Earn the Pally
The Lions Den
Anyone Seen Daish? Daish? Daish?
Yeah, where’s DAISH DAISH DAISH??
Also, what ever happened to the Argent Avengers and the Straw Hat Pirates? I was a Paladin named Ruben back in the day in those guilds, now I’m playing Alliance on Fairbanks to oppose my old friends from GoF
Drop me a line on Fairbanks, name’s Airmarshal
Anduril- NE Druid
Was in Hostile Takeover that turned into La Guillotine.
Rolled Horde on Skeram
Rawiswar - rank 11 warlock - this pvp group called PTW (Play to Win) was with Deice/Asceus/some others I forget their names - Order of Laibach with Einheit - played a little bit with Masquers - on Blaumeux right now.
My toons were
ZionTheExile Prot Pally always ready to heal too
Shoeva Arms Warrior always ready to tank
Athous frost mage
i remember all my friends from back in the day. Biff, Parthalan, Namingway, Nosfuratu, Ayajade, Snuffy, Xenox, Therris, anashie.
most of us bounced in and out of Genesis up until they transferred servers. too many friends and we stayed behind. i miss every one.
Buffalosolja - tauren shaman
Monts - gnome warrior
People I Remember:
Thong - undead warlock
Porfia - troll mage
Tonsoffun - troll mage
Maz - troll shaman
Doogle - orc warlock/gnome warrior
Gixsa - tauren druid
Shad - ???
Stean - night elf druid (lol)
Shadowelth - night elf rogue
Msv - tauren druid
Gixsa… were you in Absolution/Pex or any of those other pvp guilds?
Clambeard Shadow/holy priest
Sanctuary, Sanct, Paradigm, BOP,
Later on Horde side joined RIF for BC
I still remember this night, all these years later.
I also remember that we went on to farm the place for the next 10 months or so and had like two pairs of Netherwind gloves drop for 8 mages
WoW added like 6 months onto grad school for me.
Anyway, /wave, hope Sanct folks are doing well!
Gahrona - Controlled Anarchy
Deathbones - Cake or Death
Tynaderade - Raiding is Fundamental
Currently a tank in Blood of Vengeance on Mankrik, come say Hi. Corpsedude
Honest… I ctrl found you in the Destromath page. I’m 2 years too late! But I am Blackwoman from Destromath!!! The Human Mage. I made my character after finding you.
I was in PO a little while. Played with my RL buddy Faithhealer-Fourair-Sprite. I still play but just Classic. I was Jimmypop/Meshockudrop. I still talk to Star - Liberal - Drac.