Destromath Alliance Reconnections

Name used to be Doomango I think. Played for Lux Aeterna and what ever the guild name most of us were in before that. I was the guy who leveled 3 priests the other being before server transfer and Doomonion, and occasinally played Draenei Shaman named Doommagnet. Probablly rolling on a “Normal” server this time round. Quit after BC and only came back recently for BFA. Just curious if anyone remembers.

Haven’t quite figured it out yet. Bunch of different friends heading all over the place. How bout you?

I think I was in Fates Hand (and several other guilds, played quite a bit, but you know not 19 years old anymore and certainly not going to be raiding 8 hours a day.) Bear human warlock. Rolling horde this time “Saraphea” troll shammy on Mankrik this time.

So chars:

Bear Human Warlock
Shistyness NE rogue
Protective NE warrior
Kerplow Dr Mage
Belanna Dr Shaman
Amybear NE hunter
Sarahpaladin human Pally
Purelust NE priest
Panzerkin NE druid <-- I think I ended up changing this one’s name.

I think that rounds out the chars… all 60 I think I took them all to 70 or 80 before WoW got so homogenized I quit before it turned into what D3 is.

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Ove, Night Elf Druid, Momentum
Ofelia, Human Mage, Virtuous

Tehsmasher - Human Paladin - (I sadly can’t remember any guild names anymore)
Taleris - Night elf Deathknight - (Same as the first though she was way later obviously)

I once new a very cool mage named Spall from Wrath and a dear friend that I lost from a misunderstanding by the name of Guffery, Dwarf hunter.

I’m swinging horde this time around wonder if anyone remembers me though.

Didn’t know you still played Ove/Ofelia.

Hey Angeliz, i’ll be levelling mainly on Aussie server as well. My name there will be Linkster so msg me if you want to chat about the GoF days :slight_smile:

Hi Advan!!! Off and on…just turned my account back on last weekend. let’s be friends again! sammi#1765

Running Horde on Stalagg if you’re down!

Not sure yet either, I made a character on each of several normal servers but haven’t chosen yet which to play on.

Tandavenya - NE Hunter
Bloodsmeared - NE Rogue Akira guild
Khatrina - Draenei Priest Akira guild

Hepkus omg… Magedemise :slight_smile:

Pinochet, human warlock.
The last battalion and Masquers.
Never had other characters.

If you remember me shoot me a friend

I was in that guild, Pinochet warlock

Letum - Human Warrior
Aniellia - Human Priest

I rolled with you guys for a while, Musashi NE rogue brought me in if my rusty old memory serves me. I was also in Vulgar Display of Power and ran it as GM for a few years also. Glad to see some familiar names.

I remember you from masquers. Pinochet - warlock. Galifang is most likely coming back as well. he was a warrior

hola, hit me up on discord hep#1337

I think I remember you. Did you work as a GM at one point?

WOW its been a while! I was Alliance on Destromath before, rolling horde now

Human Rogue - Svene
dwarf Paladin - Kurloughan
Human Warlock - Seannathan

I was in Forged Alliance as well as Covent of Destruction (formed in BC but thrived until current retail last i checked)

Hey Bear I remember at least 3 of those characters