Destro M+, channel demonfire, fire and brimstone?

I know destro is pretty bottom of the barrel for m+. I am not planning on pushing higher than 10-15. Having said that, are there are situations where mass aoe talents would be better than the standard setup? For example using channel demonfire, fire and brimstone, etc. On fortified weeks or when the team is making lots of big pulls, might these talents be better for big aoe?

not quite as bottom of the barrel as before, at least as far as locks go its tied with demo depending on the situation. would not recommend changing up those rows though, sticking with cata and dark soul is usually the play

Channel demonfire has excellent synergy with cataclysm for heavy aoe. It can work for teeming week if you time the cds right. Quite a loss of dps on boss fights though and you will have an extra spell that needs to be cast right off cd (on bosses) and is channeled. FnB and Inferno (I actually had to look the name up) are just there to fill the talent spots. Never spec out of cata.