Destro Lock solo shuffle

Yea I agree my warrior sitting in all caster lobby is just as bad.

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proc a precog


i think you mean proc a precog against a dk with no ams, full shards, a fast bolt proc, and someone out of line of their healer. this is the perfect scenario its not quite that easy usually.


just kill before they kill man

I take it all back. I spiked my mmr earlier after a couple good games and faced nothing but melee for the rest of the night and it was absolutely the worst experience I’ve had in wow.

I have no idea how you’re supposed to win vs double melee doing almost 100k dps on your face. Don’t listen to anything i said, i hate this game


Youll end games much sooner landing kicks. 6s is a super long time in shuffle where stuff dies super quick. Its better to develop the skill and get used to using the kick than developing a crutch that will be less useful as you climb

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No lie it’s all I face. Usually warriors dks and dhs. Ret paladins and enhance shamans are snuck in there. Quite a few hunters and those are more relaxing games. There’s been more double warrior than any other class though. And this is not me calling for nerfs just not sure how to handle them

Gate the spear, but also feel free to dark pact every spear

Pact or port every warbreaker

Maintain at least exhaustion on them, you can amp the exhaustion if you want to create more distance

Amp,curse of weakness also can be extremely helpful during avatar/wsrbreaker/spear/thunderous roar

When they reflect stop your current cast and use weakness

Use your backlash procs asap. Track your burn to ashes stacks. Conflag shadowburn on cd. When you create space and distance with port or the warrior swaps targets thats when you bolt

You arent going to get a bolt off if he has kick up so realize youre going to have to juke and practice getting precog. Track the buff with a WA so you know when you have it and are not in danger of being interrupted. This is when you can shard dump and big bolts can end games

Bane procs are really good for coiling multiple targets to relieve pressure as well as dumping all your dmg into multiple targets. Cleave pressure has value. Great time to dump burn to ashes stacks

If you dont have pact/wall you need to be within range of your port so that you can leave at any moments notice. Make yourself not a target. Port and stay behind the wall for 5 seconds so they start hitting other ppl and your cd on pact keeps ticking away. Buy yourself time. The time to play aggro is when theyre going after your teammates


Thank you, good tips!

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Yeah like playong DH

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so i just hit 1800 on destro, had a few good lobbies and some full melee but powered through. not that 1800 is exceptionally high or anything but it does require 1.5 brain cells.

i stopped using amp curse of weakness and started using exhaustion more to help me kite, seemed to help me breathe vs just getting banged slightly less hard. with curse of exhaustion you can walk away from people a lot more than you would think. which means you’re actually getting space outside of your port/gate.

i port almost on cd and just sit behind LoS for a few seconds. a lot of melee will either get frustrated and leave you alone, or they will chase you and then you’re alone with them and destro is not bad in a 1v1.

you can hit fear and start spamming your immolate bind, a lot of times you’ll get kicked and then you can apply your immolate for free. using fear to farm precog is huge too.

i actually didn’t catch myself spamming incinerates that often, between keeping my instants on cd and keeping immolate up, trying to fear healers when im able, i really dont have a ton of time to spam incin. if i had enough breathing room to free cast i usually chose to use bolts instead, and if i have no breathing room im generally just focused on living and being disruptive.

Also kick on cd on the healer. this is something im pretty bad at, i dont kick nearly enough, but it puts healers so far behind its just required. if your team has zero pressure i would kind of ignore kicks, but if you’re pumping this will create so much chaos for the enemy healer its insane.

the biggest thing i think that helped me get over the hump was my mindset. every lobby is an opportunity. i had multiple full melee lobbies today that i managed to 4-2, simply because i didn’t give up the second i saw the enemy classes.

another huge thing(again this is just what helped me) is learning to adjust how im doing damage. vs casters on tolviron im spamming damage like no tomorrow, but if its double melee and i can barely cast, then so what, im going to barely cast, pull melee into bad spots, spam instants, try to rotate my defensives with the healer, and just do what i can.

you’ll have bad lobbies, you will go 0-6 sometimes. i went from 17-1500 yesterday and then 15-1800 today. Its just the nature of the beast.


Find the squishy target and blow them up. Kite, port, teleport, or death coil the major CDs. Becareful with the arms sharpen blade, warbringer, and bladestorm combo. Port immediately or take the 100k+ mortal strikes to the face. CC the healer as much as possible.

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That’s all I’m really going for, 1800. Got as high as 1690, then tanked all the way to 1348. Obviously I’ve made some bad mistakes, but these melee lobbies are rough and I’m no pro. But good tips, I need to be better with curse of exhaustion and silencing healers. I used VW for that extra hp because I figure it would help my healer out but in the long run is just ruining my chances more. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one in this, and you’re right I need to change my mindset because it’s just how it goes and I’m sure some melee are in the same boat with all caster lobbies. Thank you very much, makes me want to queue right now but my power has been flickering on and off so I may just have to wait for another day when it’s not stormy out.

I didnt use void sac once. Seems like a good idea but it never seemed to help me so i stopped using it while playing affliction and never bothered to try it as destro. I mess around with imp vs mages or hunters but thats about it.

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You’re a lock main so ill take your word for it but js ive seen R1 locks take the voidwalker into cleaves into premade 3s.

Situational for sure. Both have value

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I was also thinking succ for seduction, for one of the melee. The reason I use VW is I watch my health chunk so fast with two melee, but I think I don’t use pact early enough so going to try to do better with that. For some reason I just feel like I have to save CDs, but shuffle is so fast paced.

its very possible but you need to understand something.

Having a basic grasp of how to do damage, trying not to waste defensives, and kiting will get you 1800. im still click targeting, barely using kick, and making a million other mistakes i dont even know about. dont try to theorycraft too hard, just focus on the foundation, which imo is damage first and foremost(make sure you’re hitting what your zugzug partner is hitting) and trying to work with your healer for defensives. you’ll get it.


The foundations of a warlock in rss are know what dmg to avoid with port and blast the rest of the time


Gateway out of the spear

Port every time they war breaker

Don’t try to kite too much during non-cds, it can be scary but your healer needs to keep you up

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You press pact off CD nearly in shuffle

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