Destro lock LF Guild that hasn’t cleared BT…

Well my guild decided to raid an off night with another guild to get their first Illidan kill. That’s great for them but on the selfish side, the entire reason I’ve been playing and waiting through classic was just taken from me …I didn’t kill Illidan first time around.

Any guilds that need a geared destro warlock, usually sit around 35% crit buffed, that has NOT cleared Illidan yet? Looking for a progression first kill and hopefully a longer term home leading into Wrath, where I’m looking to be the guild’s Demonology lock.

I know my reason for leaving makes me sound fair weathered but this Illidan kill just means too much to me to let the progression experience go… but that being said I am familiar with all fights in current content since I was progressing with another guild.

Due to work and life, I can not raid Friday or Saturday …and not until Sunday evening

I suspect I’ll be freezing my account but this was worth an attempt