5% buffs because gear scaling as already completely out of control. I want to say blizz never learns but I think actually I’ll never learn. This is how they intent the game to be.
Can you post a link to this update
You do know they just gave destro 5% to shut us up, right?
5% is garbage, and still won’t bring us out of the gutter. Heck, 22% on CB didn’t even move us.
Being happy with scraps means ull nvr experience a full meal.
I just tried running a key as destro, and it is way more than 5% behind aff, I’d say a 10-15 buff needed. Chaos bolt way more resources than MR, and longer cast time. And honestly, lower cd of infernal to 1.5
5% to destro is nothing.
Destro locks are currently 20th of 24th for Heroic Castle Nathria (which I would consider to be what most people are aiming/progressing now).
They’re at a median of 3345 dps. A 5% increase puts this to 3500 dps. This would increase the ranking (if no other class gets buffs) to 16th out of 24.
Considering tons of other dps classes are getting buffs, this buff will literally change absolutely NOTHING to the dps ranking of destro locks.
Plus, Demo didn’t get ANY buffs. You know what this means? Demonology warlocks will now be the second worst (after arcane) dps spec.
Demonology is actually more represented in Mythic and Heroic Castle Nathria than Destruction and middle of the pack of all DPS specs for Mythic but lower in Heroic (still above Destro). Demo will not be the worst spec and the 5% buff brings Destro fairly close to Aff but could still be closer.
Its a small boost to chaos bolt if anything. Its okay, but not something crazy.
Afflic is over tuned compared to destro and demo. Afflic still being better at cleave and packs. Destro barely beats afflic in single target damage, and demo of course is the best in single target.
What? Destruction isn’t within forty miles of aff on single-target…
i think every word of that is wrong. … neat
It would be Nice if afflictions dots actually hurt
Feb 2 that will be interesting to see.
Since the pets do a large percent of our Damage we can assume the pet damage is buffed 5% too?
Hopefully they will overbuff and no one catches it.
It says across the board buff . So pets will be buffed to are should be . Buff should of been 8 to 10 % . But my hope is destro lock scales good with better gear . It has been no fun just out dpsing are pally tank on a lot of fights .
Looks like I’ll still have that free space on my drive where WoW once was.
Crumbs buff just like the stimulus.
Doesn’t fix the horrible design of worthless tickle-spells used to fuel boring shard dumps.
Chaos bolt needs to cost 1 shard and there need to be things that can trigger it for instant like on mage with pyro blast.
Destro can’t touch aff in ST. Look at logs.
I don’t care if we’re bottom-of-the-pack, or if we aren’t as strong as affliction. All I care about is that we’re not as far behind as we were before. It doesn’t matter who is top dps and who is bottom if the overall difference between them is small.
Wrong. Completely wrong.
In context, 9 other specs received buffs so proportionly destro is still bottom.
Agreed. I don’t care if we’re the weakest spec, but it doesn’t feel good parsing orange and still being beaten by another spec parsing blue.
Yea I don’t understand how MR is 1.5 cast costs only one shard and hits way harder than Cb