Destro Hellcallers

Where you at Destro Hellcallers!

I am loving this style what about you?


I’ve been playing Hellcaller exclusively for Destro, and so far I’m enjoying it for the most part. I like that it’s given Destro a little more depth and speed, and helped bring Shadowburn back into relevancy. Not going to talk at all about tuning/dps strength, since I think that too often gets caught up in discussions about overall design.

I think thematically it’s not really quite a hit? Saying the animations (or lack thereof) are lackluster is generous. Other than sprucing up the blackened souls explosion though, I’m not really sure where they could do more with it visually speaking.

Mechanically I -enjoy- it but feel it could’ve been more. The hero spec really really really badly misses the Cataclysm synergy talent it had for most of the Beta that was removed in one of the last cycles. Something to take 5-10 seconds off would be a godsend (And could still absolutely be thrown into the hero talent tree where it was before in that bottom left slot). I’d also think the rotation could be smoother and more meaningfully differentiated mechanically from Diabolist if Malevolence was simply a passive with the extra stack per spell – further leaning into Shadowburn’s relevancy while also avoiding the RoF problem Diabolist has struggled with.

Overall, I’d give it probably a 6.5/10. Mechanically fun though has missed opportunities. Visually it’s definitely a big miss, and Satyr might genuinely be the weakest thematic possible for a Destro spec. Feels more appropriate for Affliction, so given that it has to share between them it gets a little bit of a pass.

I hate instant-cast immolate and I hate having to prioritize refreshing my Withers over getting off Chaos bolt casts (because losing your Wither stacks is a big DPS loss). I don’t like 1 button doing 45% of my dps and I don’t like 1 insta-cast button being 40% of my rotation. In single target situations this is not a problem, but in any situation with 3+ targets my rotation feels cheap and I don’t feel like I’m playing a Destro anymore.

Also Malevolence should turn you into a Satyr because it’s cool lmao

I understand why people are hungry for this to be a relevant spell again… I too miss it being useful… But I don’t think this spell should ever be part of a core rotation and I think it should be made back into an execute like how it was in the past.

Currently loving it!

I love the theme of “hybrid” spec-ing, the rot AND burn at the same time really brings the class fantasy focus (as opposed to Spec focus), something I have been really enjoying about hero specializations overall.

I do hope they implement a glyph or something that makes the wither graphic remain for it’s duration, but make it optional (so the fire enthusiasts don’t get too “shadowed” out)

Though one question: How often do I need to be using Malevolence as destro? Like always when I can use it, or are there certain scenarios/situations that I’m should wait for? Thank you!

Personally, when in specced into Destuction I use malevolence on either mass mobs after hitting cataclysm – Followed by channel hellfire, or use malevolence upon single target mobs / bosses that’ll obviously take awhile before they drop.

  • However I wouldn’t use it on quickly-deposable aoe / single target mobs - as you won’t get the maximum potential out of it.

That being said however → It can come down to timing as well, if you believe you can cast it on particular mobs and have it off the CD by the time you reach another pack you know is ahead or a boss – Go for it. :grin:

Affliction Malevolence:

Naturally the same principle above can be applied to affliction spec – with switching out cataclysm for vile taint in aoe situations and in single target situations using it appropriately with your burst rotation. :slight_smile: