Desolace questing

Was questing last night in Desolace and logged off, log back in the morning post-patch and the Thunder Axe Fortress, which is a location for several mid-30’s quests including a chain quest, is now unable to be done thanks to several very high level ?? mobs surrounding the fortress and the only entrance in. Not sure if the quests were moved somewhere else in the zone since the quest text does not indicate any change. Seems kind of odd to block off several low lvl quests with what I assume is lvl 60 mobs littered throughout that area that aggro and chain aggro from 100 feet away if you try to go anywhere near it.

What’s worse is I’m hearing it’s the same in hard core and people have died. Why make this change?

very odd to say the least, has to be an error/bug on their part, makes no sense just to slap in 60 lvl mobs in 30 lvl questing areas.

Topkek if true.

hmmm, just went there and checked the entire fortress and I only see lvl 30 to 32 mobs, must be fixed.

damn that really sucks if that happened on HC too lol. Yeah they hit hard af i logged in there went to attack one of the lvl 32 mobs outside and 4x lvl 60 mobs came flying through the wall at me and insta killed me basically

This should be fixed now. :slight_smile:


it is.

thank you :slight_smile:

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