Hello everyone! I am looking to update my desktop for the new expansion. Now that I can afford to I want to buy a new desktop and a good (large) monitor. I have only ever been able to run wow and low (sometimes medium) settings and I want a computer that can run it on ultra with out difficulty. I know it would probably be best to build it myself, but honestly I don’t even know where to begin with that. I would rather buy a tower/monitor that can already run wow on ultra that would be easy to update in the future.
I don’t know what a good budget would be for a computer like that, but I am hoping for 3k or under. If that is too small of a budget let me me know!
Thanks! Sorry if this sounds stupid. I really just don’t know the hardware side of computers anymore.
Pre-built Alienwares tend to use cheap parts, specifically PSU’s, MoBo’s. I would try building one yourself (plenty of tutorials online, not very complicated at all) or at least use a retailer where you more or less know what you’re getting and get to pick your parts, like NZXT
Build your own ‘or’ find a reputable local provider that can do the same. Buying those big name branded desktops can be very hit and miss. Also, the sales people have no idea what they are talking about. Do your own research, look up CPU and GPU benchmarks.
Also checkout these guys videos on YouTube:
Gamers Nexus
Spend a few hours watching their content and benchmarks:
Power supply
SSD storage devices
Tower cases and cooling solutions
You will quickly learn to identify quality components from the junk.
For $3,000 you can build a great system if you spend the time to learn rather than get suckered in by some sales person! Also, remember WoW is a cpu intensive game so having fewer faster cores is better than more slower ones.