Most of the mechanics are pretty similar anymore… stay out of bad, kill adds, cluster to share dmg, etc. If you were a blizzard raid designer what mechanics would YOU add in?
I’ll start. What I would do is
Beer Goggles: Hits from the boss would make you drunk. The boss also drops pools that make you drunk.
Adds will spawn that are hideous crawling creatures. Some will be extremely damaging others would be beneficial. The only way to tell which mob is which will to be completely smashed forcing the player to deal with the uneven walking and blurred screen the whole raid.
Hmm something that doesn’t already exist in wow? 
5 minutes later
There’s a gameplay type in Overwatch called “Mystery Heroes”
In it you don’t get to pick your character (class/spec), and when you die you come back as a random character, do that 
Something something, you gotta click the thing to drop your stacks and it swaps your class/spec
Good luck
Hope you know how to play every spec in the game lol
A one-minute enrage timer that increases your damage/healing done by 500% and the boss’s damage done by 1000%!
Also flash floods during boss fights.
Sounds like you want to force players to make an addon to unblur the screen lol.
/console ffxGlow 0
I stuck it into A Proposed Revision 🖊 - but the one thing I’d LOVE is a Crash Bandicoot styled gauntlet in a raid boss fight. The way I tied it in earlier was to have the Horde/Alliance assault Azshara’s palace, and the whole thing starts to cave in - so both factions retreat.
They’d have to leap over gaps in the floor, dodge crumbling columns and walls, and stay ahead of the tidal wave chasing them down the hallways. I really dig boss mechanics that involve the environment.
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A raid boss that retreats from the raid; while simultaneously shrieking and begging the raid to spare his life;
Meanwhile, the hallways/rooms he traverses through are the mechanics. (Avoid things that slow/stun/fear the raid)
Make it a decrepit portion of a castle, which crumbles behind the boss as he flees; get too far behind and you die in the wreckage.
Once the boss has been defeated 3 times in consecutive weeks by 80% of the same raid group, he immediately falls over dead.
Have it swap you with someone random in the raid group, and give you 3 action buttons with the appropriate class/spec stuff to get through the phase.
Have the lava spots actually pull the toons through the floor to a freefall that knocks them out of the raid.
The more you zerg over a specific low metric of dps the more HP the boss gains and the harder the mechanic’s become and the harder it hits. Muhuahhahahaah!
That or room filled with honey comb tiles that go UP and down at fast lift speeds during the fight.
A mechanic that makes everything 100% faster. Speed, camera, spells, regen, the lot.
That’s actually more problematic than people may realize lol. Sometimes when I do certain things that require precision movements I do them backwards so I can move less distance when I tap the key.
I wouldnt mind a fail cinimatic if your raid wipes and you see a victory finisher from a boss performing on your char for the failer.
Not a Mechanic, but I would like to see a gameover screen every so often which changes based on who or what we died to.
For example: Azshara killed us, so she summons N’Zoth and smiled darkly (before killing him as she planned)