Desertion is out of control

Has anyone else noticed a serious increase in desertion or backfilling as of late?

I don’t know if it’s because of the time I play, but I’m noticing people are dropping group far more than usual in both normal and epic battlegrounds.

My experiences over the past few days:

  • Temple of Kotmogu, Alliance 500 points up - 70% of Horde team deserts
  • Twin Peaks, Alliance caps 1 flag - 30% of Horde team deserts
  • Alterac Valley, close game but Alliance manages to recap Dun Baldar South (after Horde previously capped everything uncontested), 20% of Horde team deserts
  • Battle for Gilneas, Waterworks battle won - 40% of Horde team deserts

There’s been more, too, but that should give you an example. I’ve also been backfilled into 4 games today so far. Is anyone else experiencing this or am I just on a really weird streak where people are deserting at any sign of conflict?


Haven’t noticed any such trend, but then again I don’t really play little bgs so who knows what’s going on over there. It’s possible you just ran into a bad luck streak or some Alliance premade was on the loose? :man_shrugging:

As far as Alliance epics go, I haven’t noticed anything “unusual”. I get backfilled into lots of losing WG games, but that’s pretty normal so nothing “unusual” there. Other than backfill WG games, I got dropped into a losing Alliance AV last night but that’s about it.

As far as Horde epics go, I got backfilled into a losing Horde IoC match two days ago - but that’s about it. Most of my Horde epics have been fresh.

I’ve never seen a “Bynir” in any match, so I’m assuming you’re referring to some Horde alt (that I’m unaware of) with your post?

Generally it’s a “good” thing when the opposing team starts to afk out/leave, so I’m assuming you’re complaining about some Horde alt with this thread.

I know I certainly don’t mind when the opposing team afks out, I know it’s smooth sailing as soon as I notice that happening :smiling_imp:

Doesn’t help when you can leave on 1 alt and queue up on another.
Also, aimed at the Epics here, people who leave at start.
You do realise sometimes, those matches last longer than 15mins.
So you leave, take deserter, requeue, and end up back in the same bg you left 15 mins prior.
Or, heaven forbid, queue into a BG on an alt that you just left :stuck_out_tongue:

not really out of control only time i see people leave really is epics and even then its mostly just wintergrasp

people leave ashran too but thats normally before the bg even starts

Normal bgs dont see people leave much i see more people leave at the start of the bg because they hate the map then during the match thanks to not having blacklisting


No, was on Alliance so it was the enemy team leaving. They were as you say a landslide victory but I don’t queue up for blowouts, I queue up for evenly matched fights.

That Temple where 7 people left still had 1000 points to go for victory (and Temple is one of the easiest ones to turn around) - so it was refilled within 90 seconds at which point it was over, so 7 people joined for what was effectively the “defeat” board coming up for them. :tired_face:

The unfortunate thing is, most of the epic bgs maps are decided within the first 3-4 minutes, so I get why people choose to leave (it makes sense to do so). It’s just a side-effect of bad/imbalanced bg design.

Think about it…

  • Isle of Conquest: lost the hangar teamfight? gg
  • Wintergrasp: lost the SR teamfight? gg
  • Ashran: lost the Dark Woods teamfight? gg

Alterac Valley is probably the only epic bg that isn’t decided in the first 4-5 minutes, it’s a much more dynamic map. It’s a better balanced map where comebacks/turnarounds are actually possible.

So 75% of the epic bg maps (IoC, WG, Ashran) are decided within the first 3-4 minutes, if we’re talking about the typical pugs-vs-pugs match.


Depends on your mindset.
IoC - Hangar doesn’t always win, stupidity always loses.
Wintergrasp - if you have less members/heals than the opposing team, don’t faceroll them.
Also, ranged and heals, you should be riding shotgun on demos.
If you’re wasting vehicle slots on sieges, you’re doing it wrong.
Cats are good at first to burn the troops, as soon as you’re ranked, ditch the cats,
get demos.
They have longer range, and not dependent on another person to do half their damage, also heals and ranged can ride shotgun and clear trash on them.
Also, demo drivers, you have 2 abilities on your vehicle, use them, not 5 miles back from tower/wall.
Ashran: can either faceroll into woods, backdoor into mage, or just hold mid and take crossroads and ogre and push from there.
Quelle suprise, nothing super complicated here, but yeah, trying to get 20-30-40 people to follow something, that’s what keeps the whisky industry flowing :stuck_out_tongue:

This is why there needs to be incentives to finish on either side. Why waste 30 mins of my time for nothing? I’ll just take the debuff and hope for a better match in 15 mins.

As started above a lot of these matches are decided in the first few minutes. Now if looks to be a good match, or we have a chance to win, I’ll stick around. If it’s just going to be a crap show… no thanks.


Thanks for keeping my seat warm, cos this is where I end up
being the Nikolay Chiker and salvaging a wreck.
Again, depends on your sunny disposition.
Of course if you’re dragged into a game 2-0 flags down and 2 mins on the clock,
or 1200 points down whatever, yeah, no coming back from that.
But to say that the first few minutes decides anything, that’s a you problem, not a game problem.
How many sports games were turned in the 2nd half when it seemed all was lost in the first half?

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I was in an Alliance WG game (offense) last night, fresh match. We clashed at SR as usual, and the Alliance team only got a grand total of 2 killing blows once the dust settled… :grimacing:

Horde quickly cranks out 14 vehicles, to our 0. There’s still 41 minutes left on the clock…

…yeah, you’re not “recovering” from that :rofl:

I opened up the bg charts before I left, and Alliance had no damage - entire top of the charts was red other than 1 Alliance Destro Lock.

Have to be realistic - with enough bg experience you can generally tell when that “point of no return” has passed.

Can’t be delusional when you’re so far behind - just can’t ignore the facts/bg charts, stick your head in the sand, and pretend that everything’s OK.

If your team is out-matched, your team is out-matched… the numbers/score rarely lie.


Ok, take the towers down, 30 mins left on the clock, 15 mins debuff over, quelle suprise back in the same BG.
But then, there are ways to counter vehicles, not standing right in front of them is one of them.
But my previous point still stands: stupidity always loses,
and the one thing we can depend on with humans,
is their infinite capability when it comes to stupidity.
Just to prove it to you, hold my drink :tumbler_glass:

In my dozen Alli matches last night I didn’t notice any deserters.

There would be less if we had black listing. People are a lot more likely to leave when they get maps they don’t like

I leave dwg and eots if we get behind early. I say backfill losing games with bots


Come backs are less common now too, they happened a lot more when gear didnt really matter. Lots of one sided matches now


I don’t know if desertion is really any higher or not than it used to be, but I can certainly see how the conquest system promotes quitting early if you think it’s hopeless.

^^^^ very good point as well

No blacklist? People are much more likely to simply leave maps they don’t like or enjoy (cough Wintergrasp cough).


There is specific queueing available, and if your only interest is CQ points,
there is far more efficient methods of those than relying on BGs.

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Sure there is, but I would wager that most bg’ers like at least the possibility of being rewarded for a win. Specific queue gives you nothing but honor points (which are mostly useless).

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You get rewarded with a whole box of loot (Remember when it was only 6 fish?) and possibly an item that may or may not be an upgrade, or good for vendoring or disenchanting depending on server economies.
Again, if your focus is on the CQ bar, random BGs may not be the most efficient use of your time.
Random BGS are there for those who love to pvp for the sake of it.
Anyone looking for more from that is going to be disappointed.

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I think it’s pretty degenerate behaviour if people join battlegrounds, see it’s a map they don’t like, and then stay to see how the game is going before their dislike for the map overcomes them, and they leave because “there is no blacklisting, and they hate the map” as opposed to “we are losing, so I am leaving”.

It’s the same as people who join battlegrounds expecting to sail through with a win, leave when it becomes evident it isn’t so easy, and then hop on an alt to cycle through games until they win.