Deserter for no reason?

Has anyone gotten rated deserter for no apparent reason?

I was queuing for both Shuffle and Blitz, but the timers for both ran out when I was away from keyboard. Came back to see shuffle/blitz deserter.

The funny thing is I didn’t lose rating in either bracket though? Seems weird.

Maybe the missing the Q was seen as a decline/drop, but as you weren’t actually in the game, no -200?

It doesn’t work like this but it should.


Just happened to me for the second time- I join BGB and the screen never loads to join match. When it disconnects me and I relog I find a deserter status and -150 points. Lost 300 points now just shy of 2,400 guess the season is over with these game ending bugs.

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Doesn’t work like that. Usually if your queues time out because you’re taking a leak or whatever, you just re-queue. I have no idea where the deserter (with no punishment) came from.

Yeah, there’s a lot of strange stuff going on in TWW. :confused:

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There have been some weird portal stuff and group phasing stuff, maybe a related bug is what ur seeing.

Have you made a bugs report (either in game or on the forums)? That gets the right people looking at it or adding it to the stack of work.

I really gave up sadly, every ticket I’ve submitted in the past year is basically a bot saying they can’t do anything and sucks for you.

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Well a ticket won’t do any good. The GMs can only fix certain things the dev have set up/allowed. But, bugs reports, both the ingame one and the forums one:

Are watched and used to set up triage, etc so the devs can fix. Posting in either of those places is good. Now, how fast it gets fixed depends on how easy it is to verify and solve and whatever the dev priority is at the time.