Deserter Debuff

I understand they are going to impliment punishment for people leaving dungeons. But I am worried it is only going to be the same 30 minute debuff. 30 minutes to the average WoW player is hardly anything, most players are on for hours at a time. This has been an issue for yeaaaarrrs. I feel like its time to up the punishment and make it 1-3 hour debuff (maybe depending on frequency of leaving dungeons?) Too many people are speed running as if they are professionals and everyone else is below them, it’s wrong and it makes the MMO lose the purpose of it being an MMO instead of a single player game.

I know people can have emergencies and have to up and leave because of IRL stuff, but if that happens, usually you won’t be on within 30 minutes anyways (I do wish there was a way to not punish people who have to get off or have an emergency. Maybe the system can recognize it’s not a pattern?)

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I honestly support the “Three strikes, you’re out” policy employed over in XIV. You bail on your group or refuse the queue three times, you can’t use the tool again until the next day.

It’s the best trap of “F around and find out”.


Just finished one that the previous tank left after the first boss. It is pretty pathetic.

Did maybe 10ish dungeons yesterday and I think it was 4 dungeons someone left after the first boss. Even had someone leave after the first boss, got a new tank, then that tank left after the 2nd boss

Give me an option to blacklist dungeons, I am leaving Dawnbreaker every time I see it. If they make the punishments too severe to leave then I will just afk until I get vote kicked.

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As far as I am aware, the only reward for queueing random heroic is a small amount of gold and Exp (which is useless at max) just queue for specific dungeons and leave Dawnbreaker out of the queue option lol. Also if you are gonna just afk and not play the game, then you can also just be given a deserter debuff. Either way you would not be doing a dungeon =)

How ? Don’t you have anything else beside wow ?

At least not until I get something that is not Dawn, and you do not get “priority” role rewards from specific queue. We should be able to blacklist 1-2 dungeons that we do not like and still be able to use random queue.

We used to have this feature for random battlegrounds, it was very nice.

Even when I get a dungeon that is not Dawn, at least half of these dungeons have tanks that insist on making the groups farm repair bills. If I see the tank doing that and wiping us on the first pull that is also an instant leave, just not worth it.

The random dugneon experience right now is just miserable.

I do have many things aside from WoW, I am saying I do not like being stuck in a dungeon because people quit after a boss.

The system is being abused. There are dungeon runners jumping into group finder and farming a first boss. They leave immediately after without a debuff because the first boss was killed. In the old dungeon finder system there was a debuff applied even if you killed a boss then decided to leave. Bring that back, it’s annoying farming valorstones only to have 2 or 3 people immediately bounce after the first boss.

They will. Or already have maybe?

It still may not deter some folks.

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What about teh arrogant jerks kicking people and teh kicked get a deserter buff! What teh heck is that about? Seems like you should punish teh kickers or don’t penalize teh innocent victims of arrogant jerks

Priority rewards are not even up 24/7, it’s maybe up a few hours at a time. Which means all the other hours you can queue for specific dungeons. You are just trying to find reasons not to queue for specific dungeons, because you like to argue and hate being wrong

Probly will have to wait and see if this does anything. I really would like the weapon that drops on the last boss of the Ara-Kara(SP) dungeon, but good luck getting past the first boss.

Rather than trying to punish people build the dungeons so the loot is at the end, just like M+. then you will want to stay. Its the old saying, you will attract for flies with honey that vinegar. Everyone wants to punish, come up with ideas that reword people instead, you would be surprised how much more of a difference that would make.

what if we disable the ‘leave dungeon’ and the hearthstone button while bosses are alive?

The DESERTER DEBUFF is the worst thing they could do for SPECIFIC dungeons. Run with a Tank,Healer or DPS that are horrible but yet I have to stay with them or wait 30 minutes. That is plain stupidity. I can see in random dungeons but Specific chosen ones. People that are bad at the game are for it the debuff and people that play well are penalized for leaving. If I have a good group, I don’t have a problem with staying but to penalize your players for other players being awful at the game. It is just wrong, to say it lightly.

Then people will just go offline to exit. Forcing people to stay under threat of punishment is not the answer. Finding a way to encourage people to want to stay is what is needed.

fear of punishment motivates people
 if the punishment is severe enough. It must REALLY sting!

Lets also make sure people can’t leave after a group wipe. It is common practice for tanks to on purposely wipe a group so they can leave without penalty.

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