Deserter Debuff

Going by your testimony, it sounds like you, accidentally or otherwise, clicked on “Leave Dungeon Group” instead of “Teleport Out Of Dungeon”.

Very different options, and I will admit they’re awfully close to one another.

Either way, this ain’t the proper forum for feedback. The devs aren’t going to take anything from here. You may want to post on General Discussions or the Dungeons forum instead.

Sorry you got slapped with the deserter penalty.


This isn’t even close to a core issue. It was implemented to take care of an actual issue. Also, in this forum, no one relevant is going to see this. That’s not the point of this forum. Getting slapped with the debuff sucks, but it can happen. They aren’t going to change it and all the rambling, pointless rants won’t do anything.


See pinned “Welcome to the Customer Support Forum” post from Vrakthris, first and second paragraph.

Also, “delete deserter” wasn’t on the menu or the topic. It addresses a real problem I used to deal with back in the late 2000s. It has real value. Still being held hostage by a group who will no proceed is not optimal either.

Walls of text are fun!, especially when in response to two line troll replies, that are as productive and effective as not replying at all.

And this is where you need to read the blue posts about this forum stickied at the top.


Got you bro! Need a link?

I got links for ya, bro!


Actually, no, it’s not. Not when it’s a programmed and intentional part of the game.

Again, nope. Perhaps you were not here before the deserter feature was implemented. Entire groups were held hostage by tanks and healers that refused to play until they got kicked so that they could join a different group, or until the group gave in to their demands.

Deserter is not perfect, but it’s a necessary evil unless someone has a better suggestion to make. In which case, they can post provide it via the in-game suggestion feature or by posting in a forum that doesn’t fall under the Support branch as these forums are not monitored for in-game feedback.

In the end, there are a whole lot of things to keep you busy in this game beyond queueing for a dungeon/raid/etc.

Actually, when a group of 3+ queue together, their ability to vote-kick is severely limited as it no longer goes by “majority rules” and actually requires a 4th person to agree to the kick. Otherwise, it fails. Likewise, if that group does successfully kick multiple times, they end up on a lengthy cool-down with no option to kick until they have actually completed multiple dungeons without kicking anyone.

This just shows that you’re not exactly familiar with how the forums work. Just because there are blue replies here, does not mean that this is a proper forum for feedback. The blues here are Support Forum Agents, not Community Managers. CMs are the ones who collect feedback from the forums and pass it along to the development team. And no, they do not often post, especially with regards to suggestions as then the entire thread tends to shift to nitpicking what the “blue” said.

If you wanted your feedback to be heard by the correct team, yes.

These need to be reported in-game via the right-click-report feature using the option for cheating. Nothing is done by complaining about them on any of the forums.

Hopefully, that helps you to better understand the purpose of putting constructive feedback in the appropriate place at least.


I quit an entire expansion and three quarters because a guild group kicked me from a dungeon and I got that debuff. It was right at the start of Warlords, I was max level, 9 dungeons deep without even a single drop at all, and I said that I hadn’t gotten a drop yet to the party and they booted me. We hadn’t pulled anything yet. That 15 minutes cost Blizzard hundreds, not that they care.

What would you have Blizzard do, then? Feel free to post it to the Dungeons forum, where the devs could see.


I don’t care what Blizzard does. I’m speaking directly to the OP and relating a similar story about their trash system that punishes people who haven’t done anything wrong.

Oh, cool, just trolling then.

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Nope. Not trolling. You just disagree with me. Edit: You can keep driving this post further and further off topic. I won’t be responding to you anymore because you’re actually trying to incite something.

Where, precisely, did I disagree with you other than where best to make your concerns known?


When the vote kick first came in you would have people holding groups hostage to try to get them to kick them from the group. This is why when you get kicked you get a debuff. If there is a better way to do it then come up with that idea and submit a suggestion.


you can use the in game suggestion tool if you don’t want feedback from other players.


Do you know what happens when the opinion of one person is shared with others? They could support your idea. The more it’s out there, the more that have the opportunity to support it. That’s how the voice of one becomes the voice of many.

I changed how a big, multi-national did their advertising with a single letter. Don’t underestimate the power of one.


I do so hate to point out the obvious, but the flagrant name-calling in your rightly-hidden post is not “shockingly doing nothing wrong.”

Players have every right to flag Code of Conduct violations. Just something to bear in mind going forward.


Its funny u mention quitting WOD because of this this is exactly when this came about when they had daily dungeons and silly people would hold the group hostage because they wouldnt go after the secondary objective blizzard had to make changes and this was there solution.


Yes, this statement seems simple. But “haven’t done anything wrong”…on whose authority? YOU think you didn’t do anything wrong, but as your original example said:

To them, you may have seemed like someone who was complaining already, and they just didn’t want to deal with you. Who’s to say that you were right, and they were wrong?

Someone disconnects and there’s nothing wrong with that. They aren’t “in the wrong”, so players see a dungeon they don’t like and they unplug their modem real quick. Log back in 2 minutes later and try it again, because by your suggestion, they didn’t do anything wrong. A disconnect is a disconnect, and Blizzard cannot judge what is intentional or not.

That’s the whole problem with your rant. Blizzard would have to have a live person adjudicating right and wrong. A computer can’t do it, and you can’t program a computer to account for all possibilities. That’s a social issue that they have no time or inclination to do. And in the end, it’s just going to end with players whining to the heavens about how they were wronged.

It’s a 15 minute debuff, for crying out loud. It’s to encourage players to ignore the minor tiffs and just go kill bosses. And if someone does get kicked, just go do a few dailies and come back in 15 minutes.

It’s truly not that critical.

If all your suggestions are running into players who disagree with you, perhaps it would be useful to take a hard look at what you are suggesting. Sure, some players may think Blizzard can do no wrong, but by these comments, I can tell that you think YOU do no wrong.

Can’t tell which one is worse, to be honest.


Totally random but could someone tell me why this thread has a golden check mark next to it? :sparkles: