HEY!, I get it; keeping the riff raff (me) in the proper place is of upmost importance, living that forum life can be a struggle. Opinions are always welcomed, I’m here for it.
So, lets step through this together. 
Intent, specific purpose, a “Task”; in game
Log in with specific “Normal” intent; in game
Begin using said system, in known normal way.
In the course if interacting with the “System” other (supposed to be participating) Player behavior adds grief and/or causes the effect of not being able to utilize said “system” the way it was intended.
Time has value!, to most interested parties, even the griefers. Ultimately this is what Subscription based games, and most general games that feature a post secondary monetization system are after, Your Time.
Griefers cause an unusual interaction with the system, perhaps your time means nothing to them. That’s OK!, the game gives you the choice to continue participating with people not acting in good faith. ALT + Right Click Icon —> Select Leave. With the intent of finding another group that is actually interacting with the game in a “Normal fashion”.
Get Dungeon Deserter de-buff applied for 30 Mins. You can no longer interact with the system, because player griefing caused you to make the choice to try and find a better solution for the use of your time.
//Parse above now lets examine
At what point does this add up to Customer support?
Is it 30 Mins, 1 Hour, 7 days, a month, that you are not allowed to interact with a known game system? The root cause being a QOL (quality of life) system compounding and amplifying a griefer collectives misuse of your time?
Is it not “Customer support” issue if it causes you to not be able to interact with a “part” of the game?
Is it not a “Customer Support” issue if the better alternative is to “NOPE” log off and find something better to do with your time? (Ultimately this was the solution, purchased my kids some ROBLOX coins and joined them in some mindless gaming)
Now, lets talk about the “Deserter” de-buff.
It’s intent; to disincentivize players from leaving before a dungeon is finished, to incentivize participating players that they are less likely to end up in a group of griefers only after LEET groups or specific boss/loot.
The de-buff has meaning, and a real “cost” (time). It being bestowed upon a player who left a dungeon because no other players were actively participating in progressing is a bit off the reservation. The de-buff being applied when not a single mob, critter, or boss target has been interacted with, nor killed.
What’s the better solution? Sit down and take abusive behavior? Comeback once they are finished practicing their rotation on target dummies? (we all know this is what is happening, using auto accept addons while keeping themselves in combat on a target dummy while AFK, it stops them from auto zoning)
With the “Do 5 of these” weekly quests this behavior takes a huge uptick. The stay out there, till you get 80% through an instance then zone in for final boss kill.
“Vote to Kick” is MOOT , and pointless when you are dealing with a group of grifters. Utterly pointless to even have that as an option when 2 or more que together in a group.
Now, NOONE honestly believes CS agents are going to fix an unfair 30 min de-buff in real time. That isn’t the point of this exercise, putting a “blip” on the radar; Is the point, CS agents have the autonomy to dismiss an issue on its merits or casually forward it to a pool of decision makers that might deem it something to go over with dev’s for a possible “down the road” QOL (There is that term again) solution.
In the world of “Customer Support”, things that sway customers into not being customers, or less frequent customers; tend to be a Customer Support (and retention) issue. Behavior changes with “scale” but in principle the role remains the same.
The suggestion solution to move it to where no relevant parties are likely to pay attention to a core customer/attention retention issue seems dismissive, and counter to the CS role. Again this might stem from it being a silly 30 min de-buff, so its easy to be dismissive. If it were a 7 day, month long de-buff, would it still belong in the “General/feedback” collection bin? Just toss it in there with every other “Buff Mages” thread, or “Enhance needs some love” thread.
Topics have their place, but when something makes your walk away from using a product, this is the role of CS. CS is also CR by proxy. Customer support Agents are the Canary in the coal mine, they have an important role, Observation is a big one, not every issue requires two way communication with customers to resolve.
TL;DR: Dungeon bots are ruining the experience, especially when implementers of these bots don’t program them correctly and they stop participating. Combine that with GSM macro users (whole spell rotation by spamming one button)… makes for a bad bad time.
We could all be looking at the same exact thing, experiencing the same exact reality, undergoing the same set of facts, yet we can all feel different about it.