2 things here, I HATE, flat out HATE some of the battlegrounds (and dungeons) but have to q random then get them, then have to leave them because they suck then sit in a 15 minute timer for leaving because said bg is horrible, bring back black lists or remove the timer to allow people to leave and re-q with in a certain time (like as soon as the game starts, to late, so anytime before that)
Wintergrasp says hi
Usually I end up afking out, I just don’t enjoy playing it. Not worth it unless my team is absolutely roflstomping, better to take the 15 minute debuff imo
They’ve needed this for a long time. I’ve always recommended putting checkboxes next to each map and letting people get honor proportional to the number of maps they queue for. So if you only queue for one, you get a low amount of honor for winning. This will give people an incentive to queue for more at a time (to get more honor) while still giving people a choice to only play the maps they want to play.
-This I can get behind, I can support more incentives to STAY in matches and this is the only carrot that I’m aware of that isn’t already in play.
Also an interesting idea.