Deserter after leaving LFG for a boss I've killed already

I joined a Raid Finder group and was queued into a group that had 3/4 bosses killed, and we proceeded to kill the last boss. Afterwards I rejoined the LFR queue to get the first 3 bosses. I was again queued into a 3/4 group - after leaving this group because I had already killed the boss (and thus would not get any loot due to the weekly lockout) I got a Dungeon Deserter debuff.

I should probably not queue into a group that only has bosses remaining that I’ve killed that week. Also, if I join a 2/4 group and kill the third boss I should not get deserter for leaving after killing boss 3.


Happened again on DK, kill last 2 bosses, next group on final boss, leave → deserter

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This is working as intended. I am not saying it’s working like you would want it to work, or how you think it should work… I’m just saying it’s intended.

When you join a group in LFG, whether you’ve partially completed the objective at an earlier time or not, you’re there to support the group - from beginning to end. That is your obligation.

You may only need the first X number of bosses, which is fine. The group will help you kill those. You are then expected to help the group kill the bosses they need.

Changes beyond this, namely that people should have no responsibility in a random group to kill bosses they’ve previously killed, would be suggestions. Taking only what you need and then abandoning the group is, objectively, a selfish act, and that’s why the system is designed to penalize for it.


I respectfully disagree with this being the motivator to staying in LFR. Compensation for your time is the primary payoff we play online video games. Why stick around wasting your time when you could be doing things that actually are helping you progress.

I just had this happen to me where I had previously downed Rygelon, but then was put into a group that only had Rygelon left. At that point, there is NO incentive to me staying. Altruism just isn’t a reasonable expectation after implementing a system that doesn’t incentivize community. There is no loyalty reward in completing LFG for bosses you’ve already downed, it just doesn’t make any sense.

TLDR; got deserter for joining LFR where last boss was a boss I already downed. Makes no sense.

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You left without killing the boss. You deserted the others who were there to kill the boss. You Deserted. You got the deserter debuff for doing so. There is no bug when you did the deed you got the debuff for doing.


So you’re telling me you’ll wait in queue as dps for 10 minutes. Then when you get in, there are potential wipes, could be another hour before you’re out. Where is the reward other than a pat on the shoulder?


Battle for 15 minutes and if you keep wiping, then you wont get the debuff when leaving.

But where is the reward in staying? My point is that people follow rewards, it’s common sense. Blizzard putting people into a group where there is literally NO reward, makes no sense other than to frustrate the player. And if you’re there to help them, there should be SOME incentive, like a bag of gold or a bag full of profession loot, maybe even currency or reputation bonus. It’s not asking much, but to be penalized when there is literally no reward makes 0 sense from player and company perspective.


this post is correct in the deserter debuff being a clear indication of poor design and programming by @blizzard.

I can understand getting a deserter for queing with someone to get them in like they did in the old days. When a dps would queue with a tank to beat the lines. Then the tank immediately leaves. Absolutely, you shoudl get deserter, both of them as it was clearly intentional. However, if blizzards poor programming and design is going to cause deserter when someone refuses to stay in an instance for bosses they have already killed. Then not get any compensation for them. That is, is blizzard trying to capitalize on making you spend more time in the game.

If anyone leaves an instance when the only bosses left are those they killed. Blizzard needs to remove the deserter or stop this crap about loot and allow them to recieve loot each kill.

I would run instances all the time on my tank and healer IF i had a reason too. If i knew i would get rolls on boss loot. But im sure as crap am not going to do it for that joke of a bag you get with buff crystals…

Blizzard needs to learn to program correctly based on the situations. If i queue for Anduin, Dread, and Rygelon, because i have not killed Anduin. Then get stuck in an instance where they just killed Anduin and all thats left are the 2 i killed. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD ANYONE GET DESERTER FOR THIS.


actually. i take that back. its amazing programming and design. Because it WILL cause you to have to spend more time in the game that you have to pay a monthly fee on. By making you have to do it again and again. You are more likely to have to renew your subscription.

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Same thing just happened to me, this design is so bad. The game knows what bosses I’m locked to why would it put me in a group that I cannot gain anything from, then punish me for leaving it. Meanwhile there is no punishment for leaving a keystone dungeon after it has started? Very weird.

It depends on how quickly you leave and if it was done via the group finder or not. You can most certainly get deserter for leaving a dungeon or raid if done to early after joining via the group finder…

Now, if you wish to give feedback on your thoughts on the system and what you think needs changed about it, then you would need to post in the Dungeons and Raids forum so that the people who can make such changes can view your thoughts and take them in to consideration. They do not come to the support forums for feedback, and the Blizzard employees here are not liaison to them.

So then I should be able to opt only for new groups? Or I can leave a group that’s already partially complete? Where’s the consent from the player.

Anyhow I came by to necro this thread again because it happened again (and probably many times in between). Join for Queen wing, silken court already done. I don’t even need Queen but alright, let’s kill queen and re-queue. Re-queued, join group silken court, kill boss, leave → deserter.

Perhaps if you prefer to keep this model as-is you can just flex the raid difficulty down rather than backfilling. Asterisk on tanks and maybe the last few healers

QA isn’t going to fix this, because it isn’t a bug.