A ‘rogue’ doing her best to learn the ropes… But scared of her own shadow.
I don’t RP but I have headcanon stories for just about all my characters.
Bookworm Orc thief skilled with fel magicks steals powerful demon artifacts and other dangerous items in order to destroy them or lock them away.
A good person to share stories with, or have stories told about.
A stubborn and irritable arcanist, perpetually disappointed in the world beyond her work.
Raging fires dimed down to a cold cover.
After many, many long years spending her days both guarding Shaladrassil and resting in the Emerald Dream, the death of her grandmother Ysera sent Calinra on a mournful journey across Azeroth, dazedly wandering and exploring the world that she was born to protect.
An example of when a reluctant monster fully embraces that which they once feared.
The peace you claim is a lie to those of us who have already lost -everything-.
A repentant amalgamation of Thulsa Doom, Thoth-Amon, and maybe Abdul Alhazred, striving, perhaps in vain, for reformation and redemption against his various addictions and the haunting weight of his past.
Confused, freshly raised Forsaken wanders around offering healing services to strangers.
Once a General, consumed by grief and vengeance, given a new life seeking to observe those who embody the ways of her gods.
Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki meets Conan the Barbarian.
Formerly nervous wreck of a morally uptight doctor turned borderline mad scientist who really just needs a nap.
Naivety meets indecision, bound to meet the horrid reality.
Exploring caves, finding mysterious relics , having fights with crazy monsters, making friends along the way and reads books when the world isn’t in danger.
What, in the name of Elune, did you pick a fight with that requires so much healing?!?
Iggy played guitar; spamming trade with Web and Skelly & the Aranasi From Argus.
One Vulpera surely will help remove decades worth of bitter hatreds, atrocities, and war from the minds of the factions, right?
It turns out Sylvanas is a bit too much, even for war criminals.