Describe the mog above you in three words

Horns top heavy.

Received oops error.

(I have no idea why my sword is glowing, I thought I had the enchant hidden in-game.)

Bear naked panda.

Bone or mustache?

Bone. Goes nicely for shamanistic goblins.

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Bone or mustache?

Honourable Dorf Hero

Simple and druidesque?

Dusty desert rat

little green man

Resembles warlock, somehow.

Clothing is optional

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Hellllloooooo Nurse. stab OUCH!

I am confused.

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Drunk, Brawler, burp

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Lucid lewd dreams

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Vampire seducing night attire

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Prim, pale postulant.

medium rare rat

bright edgy purple

Glorified tin can.

Tribal lizard hunter