Describe the mog above you in three words

Oh thank you I hadn’t realized that it was hidden :blush: I fixed it now.

@ Óldmate: Big shoulder energy.
@ Oscha: Like fine wine.

Dangerous But Fair

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Crystals and Cleavage

Excellent forest camo.

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Steel Type Pokemon

Not a shaman

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So many secrets.

How do I unhide my profile?

There is a list of options you may tick off or on under the Preferences —> Interface section of your character’s forum profile. One of those items is “Hide my public profile and presence features.” Make sure that is ticked off.

Pretty neat looking.

need less clothes

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Lean and Green

Free chest stab

Ahoy there Mate~

Abominable taste fashionista.

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Something went wrong

Makes good road.

Me Dinosaur, Rawr!

An undead dude.

Nekkid lightsaber panda…?

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