Yes! I am the champion!
That’s the answer we’re looking for, well done!
how about a two-fer
Farmers hire help in dealing with pesky visitors, countless shows and games and movies take inspiration for montage sequences.
Got two others no one has guessed yet if you want to try
Dark Crystal?
Yup, it is The Martian.
You got it!
Shiny rock I did figure out - SUPERMAN!
Nope - answered by Tarrok
The Dark Crystal
You got me Tarrok - I’m stumped!
Oh darn. And the newspaper guy one, I just have no idea lol.
Two movies, both classics of their genres (although the two genres of actiony movies are remarkably similar despite the differences in setting), one is a rewrite of the other for a different audience. And I’m trying to think of more clues that don’t just give it away.
Just ok, The Day the Earth Stood Still? Just a gut answer… is that it?
Better Off Dead
You guys are… you’re pretty tricky.
Nope. Both have short titles of 2 or three words with one in common
(Scene from the movie)
“can we get some ice cream?”
“come on let the kid get some ice cream, I want tutti f’ing frutti”
“there is no ice cream in your f’ing future!”
-next scene is them eating ice cream-
“tutti f’ing frutti!”
S t u m p e d…
Lots of fire on screen.
Voice over.
Roman numerals as the intro ends.
A man attempts to grow potatoes under less than ideal conditions.