Describe a Movie Badly and See If People Can Guess It


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Yes! I am the champion!

That’s the answer we’re looking for, well done! :smiley:

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how about a two-fer

Farmers hire help in dealing with pesky visitors, countless shows and games and movies take inspiration for montage sequences.

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Got two others no one has guessed yet if you want to try

Dark Crystal?

Yup, it is The Martian. :slight_smile:

You got it!

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Shiny rock I did figure out - SUPERMAN!

Nope - answered by Tarrok
The Dark Crystal

You got me Tarrok - I’m stumped!

Oh darn. And the newspaper guy one, I just have no idea lol.

Two movies, both classics of their genres (although the two genres of actiony movies are remarkably similar despite the differences in setting), one is a rewrite of the other for a different audience. And I’m trying to think of more clues that don’t just give it away.

Just ok, The Day the Earth Stood Still? Just a gut answer… is that it?

Better Off Dead

You guys are… you’re pretty tricky.

Nope. Both have short titles of 2 or three words with one in common

(Scene from the movie)

“can we get some ice cream?”
“come on let the kid get some ice cream, I want tutti f’ing frutti”
“there is no ice cream in your f’ing future!”

-next scene is them eating ice cream-

“tutti f’ing frutti!”

S t u m p e d…

Lots of fire on screen.


Voice over.



Roman numerals as the intro ends.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

A man attempts to grow potatoes under less than ideal conditions.