<Descent> [A] LF raiders Tues/Thurs 830-1130

is a progression guild looking to add to our core ranks. We currently have 2 raids on Tues/Thurs 8:30-11:30pm server time. We also run a few different 10m Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.

We are a progression focused “dad” guild made up on parents and professionals, much like the rest, but love our community focused relaxed atmosphere that wants to see people play what class/spec they want to play and not harp on the min/max mentality that comes with a hardcore raid scene. We raid 6 hours a week, and hard stop those times to not push over and cause issues with spouses, partners, jobs, etc.

Because we raid just 6 hours a week we ask that everyone respect the time of the rest and let us know if they are late, not going to make it, etc. We are currently looking for the following:

Team DEDD (8/12, 3/12H)
Open competition on:
Fire Mage
Affliction Lock
All other DPS

Team Red (6/12, 1/12H) -
Holy Paladin
Open competition:
Demonology Lock
Combat Rogue
Fury Warrior
Enhancement Shaman

Loot is done with a rotating LC.

Aside from raids we also do dungeon events on a semi weekly basis with gold rewards depending upon attendance.

Any questions get with myself (Akindoka/Adennoya), Redmyth, Cadeus, or Artuu. You can also reach me on Discord.