derek spoilers

10/29/2018 06:14 PMPosted by Fluffalicous
This story sucked the second they had to back track at Blizzcon last year and make sure everyone knew that the Horde burned down Teldrassil and that they Alliance couldn't be the aggressors in the war.

I mean ... the Alliance's leader is "peace, peace for everyone" Anduin, and our leader is "the reason I'm not the Lich King is because I work for the Horde" Sylvanas. I'm not sure how you could have played out this scenario with the Alliance being the aggressors (without retconning Jaina's development or making Genn fundamentally betray Anduin ... again)?

Want to complain about something? Complain that she was made our Warchief in the first place. Anyone paying attention to her in Legion (when her first act as Warchief was to take ONLY her Forsaken and go off on a secret, personal chore in Stormheim ... guaranteeing she was still on her "avoid my afterlife at all costs" character arc) should have known we were in deep trouble.