Denying the Drought

With todays hotfix to add 3 new achievements to increase the reward of anima from various sources I received 2 out of the 3. Denying the Drought, having all rank 2 upgrades, was not awarded to me. I did receive Sanctum Superior, having all rank 3 upgrades. After talking with a friend I am not receiving credit for this achievement which is also causing my anima rewards to also not be increased to the level of having Sanctum Superior.

Edit: I am Kyrian.

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I’m also having this problem and am Kyrian as well!

I am having this issue as well - not receiving credit for Rank II and also Kyrian

Same issue here, also Kyrian

Same for me. Rank I (We Can Rebuild) and Rank III (Sanctum Superior) were both awarded. Rank II (Denying the Drought) was not. As with the other posters, am Kyrian.

Edit: Checked with my Night Fae monk Linqang and it has the first two ranks as it should. It’s also showing the same rewards as my paladin, which means that not only is the Rank II achievement not being rewarded in the UI, the anima bonus is also not being applied (i.e. both characters have two ranks and same rewards, though one of them has I/II and the other I/III).

Same issue here, Kyrian
Command table, transportation network, anima conductor - tier 3
Path of ascension - tier 2
Rank I (We Can Rebuild) - unlocked
Rank II (Denying the Drought) - NOT unlocked

I’m having the same issue. Kyrian also.

Same issue here, Kyrian
Transportation network, anima conductor - tier 3
Path of ascension and Command Table - tier 2
Rank I (We Can Rebuild) - unlocked
Rank II (Denying the Drought) - NOT unlocked

Had the same issue, it appears fixed now (~30min ago)

I am having the same issue. I have two of the 3 achievements and according to the article Anima Rewards Increased the blue post says:
Achiev #1: 175
Achiev #2: 210
Achiev #3: 245

I have 2 of the 3 achiev and am only getting 175 anima