Denyin' the Scion

I was doing an old raid run with the guild and I delivered the killing blow on 3 Scion’s and I did not get the achievement. Is it bugged or is it more to the achievement than the description says that you need to deliver the killing blow?

were you on a nexus lord’s disc?

Seconding this. If you aren’t on a disc, then you don’t get credit.

“…while riding on a hover disk…” isn’t in the criteria because the devs like extra words.


Yes - I was on a disc when I killed 3 of them. 3 players did it but only 1 got the achievement.

You delivered the KB? Not just “killed them”.

It sounds like that 1 guy sniped 3 killing blows, but if that wasn’t the case…

Noting that you’re not just soloing this and are posting on a classic character, I’m going to make the educated guess that this is not retail you’re referring to. You should probably move your bug to classic bug report forum