Denathrius question - potential spoilers -

At the end of the Unseen Guests chapter in Korthia, we saw the dreadlords fly off with Remorina, with Denathrius inside. Was there anything that I missed in Zereth Mortis with Denathrius making an appearance?

I’m gonna call it, 10.2 - Return of Daddy D


Nope, nothing.

One of the many dropped plot lines of Shadowlands.

Nothing was done with it and with us never going into the Shadowlands ever again it will likely never be readdressed.


I hate how many dropped plot lines there are in Shadowlands.

It was far more important to show us Pelagos’ apotheosis into a giant man made of butter.


I dont know about during DF, but I would expect to see him at some point especially if they have another cosmic forces x-pack.



The possibility of Denathrius returning is pretty hype. I don’t want to see him in DF but I wouldn’t object at all to learning he has been scheming, and then seeing him again in the 11.0 expansion.


Denathrius got Samurai Jack’d into the future.

I’d like to see this too!

They could do a cosmic forces x-pack really well.

hopefully next time we kill him we’ll actually get remornia as a tmog

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yes please

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  1. why would you assume Danathrius would pop back up in SL? If anything, a Villain like him will get the Aszhara treatment and will likely pop up later.
  2. Never say never. Especially considering a certain night elf will apperently be hanging out with the Winter Queen in Dragon Isles.
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Very big difference: In the Shadowlands you can get in, but normal rules dictate you sure can’t get out. And there’s no prior evidence that anyone has left the Shadowlands, willingly or otherwise. And I’m talking regular denizens of the Shadowlands, not souls: Ysera’s planned revival works a bit different than a major leader of the Shadowlands just wanting to walk out.

Azshara was well and alive when she made her appearance.

This I’ll concede on. I have no idea how it’s actually going to work in practice…

Granted they ran Night Elves and Tyrande especially so much through the mud that they can write whatever they want with her. It’s not like her character can get much worse…

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Nah, Denathrius will surely reappear to either fuel another plot point and get smacked as a minor boss somewhere, or to help make an intro for a new baddie.

Except you can get out, the Kyrian are proof of it. And even the Maldraxxi can get out.

And maybe more importantly, if Denathrius was to come back we will probably see him in one of the other elemental spheres.


Eh, maybe. I’m just saying Blizzard has a history of doing this exact thing. Makes me a tad bit cynical!

In that short, she’s…still in the Shadowlands. Granted I don’t recognize where exactly that is in Maldraxxus but she’s there. She’s even saying, “This afterlife kinda owns, actually.” Paraphrased of course.

Again, not saying it can’t happen, but with the Dreadlords more or less extinct now and Blizzard’s own writing history, I’m just saying it’s unlikely, and if it is done I’m worried if it will be done well.

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She is actually NOT in the Shadowlands and is in fact a Legion(see those felguards?) attacked world stealing information from them.

Those are standard guards they use in the House of the Chosen. They use the same skeleton as Felguards but they are certainly not Felguards…

There is no evidence given that she isn’t in there, and there would be no way for her to get out of Maldraxxus, let alone the Shadowlands, due to the recent Anima shortage.

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  1. that scene was likely before we beat the Legion.
  2. if you check the link we have Brian Horn, someone from the cinematics team, confirming it was a felguard.
  3. we have further proof certain denizen’s from Maldraxxus can go to legion world thanks to:’s_Tattered_Maps

I’m really hoping they give Denathrius the Loki treatment, not Loki series Loki, just MCU Loki where he’s behind a lot of stuff but also simultaneously second fiddle to a far worse villain.

It’s be such an easy fix to just do SL 2 with a better plot that retcons/reveals more info to the first one’s plot like Zovaal being a pawn and utter tool to Denathrius’ schemes (which would make MUCH more sense given Pelagos’ weakness as an Arbiter and Zovaal’s general lack of planning ability).

Throwing Zovaal under the bus as a red herring to trick us and setting up Pelagos to be a second just as easily conquered Arbiter would be Denathrius’ BEST bet at taking the Shadowlands for himself to use as a stepping stone for other realm conquest. Such a plot would also possibly make him WoW’s smartest villain besides Azshara and The Lich King.

Also Dreadlords are FROM the Shadowlands and were confirmed banished by DENATHRIUS himself, so clearly there IS a way out of the Shadowlands.

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