Demo's damage is completely nerfed by patch

Even forgetting about new additions that seem to simply not work at all, just the base damage of imp/bolts/felguard/dogs/vilefiend seems to have been cut by 50%.

What the hell.


It’s definitely not fun. I used to be able to hit a rhythm in open world content, constantly proccing free Dreadstalkers and instant Shadowbolts, only using my Tyrant for big pulls and when I needed immediate shards.

Now, the procs are rare, the Tyrant doesn’t give shards, and I’m wondering if I need to switch specs or just give up and pick a completely different class.


inb4 “We’d rather you not play that spec.”

Yeah fr, the spec is unplayable right now.

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technically, we’re not level capped any more. The new cap is 80 so we’re sitting around waiting to be able to get back to cap. That’s why we do much less damage now. There is also tuning to be done before release. This has always been the case with every expansion pre-patch.

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I went from like 400-480k overall in a key to like 300-370k.

On the class discord they’re saying a lot of the capstone parts of the tree aren’t implemented properly. Like if you use your only core to put out a doombolt it wont proc doom.

Edit, like 350 single target to like 250k. I’ve had trinket damage be my 2nd or 3rd highest source overall on fights.

I would have been ok with the nerfs if we had a working spec…
Spamming rof for single target for real?

Damage logs are out and demo is doing over 40% LESS dmg than top dps, leaving it second from bottom.
This isnt a “cap” issue, its a tuning/development issue