
How long has it been in this current incarnation? Since the beginning of DF?
I cant believe how much its changed since I tried it last. Felt so clunky and sluggish.
It might just be how I have things talented, but it is actually a blast to play now.
Ive got it talented for imps and implosion, literally using Implosion as a main ‘rotation’ ability.
Love how it feels like you can focus on single target damage or fire off your imps and Hand of Gul’dan and still very good at mowing down mobs.

You only use implosion on aoe

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given the damage its doing against single target to finish it off, Im fine where im at.
I did ask a question…


That’s fine but using it while fighting someone is a massive dps loss.

The version at SL launch was a lot more burst focused.

You were punished a lot more if you messed up your tyrant ramp along side with having to use nether portal.

The spec had a slight rework either at the end of Aberus or halfway though Aberus I believe. They made the spec less burst focused and more sustained while being less punishing

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is there any reason to believe theyre going to rework/overhaul the spec between now and early next expansion?
It feels really good right now so I figure they’ll have to screw it up somehow.

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I don’t think so. We still have one more hero tree to see how it will affect demo.

The demo/Destro shared one is looking good. Still waiting on the demo/Aff shared one.

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This version of demo is by far my favorite. Smooth rotation, fun gameplay loop, good aoe and single target, strong utility… If only other specs could be so fun


exactly. Ive tried it in the past, not recently though…and hated how sluggish it felt.
Im just a casual player…heroic dungeons are literally as far as I go at this point, if that even, mostly just soloing content.

someone mentioned Demo a few days ago so i figured it had been a while since I tried it. Holy hell, this spec is a literal blast to play now.
Ion always takes the things I love, lol…so just wondering if its looking like it’ll stay like it is for an expansion at least so I can enjoy it for a while.

Idk if i call ignoring some prime spec capstones good.

Actually after the whole attempt to fix our peaks and valleys the developers kinda caged themsevles into a corner didnt know how to fix the mess they created and just buffed damage for other things and left it be.

That blaklisting on tyrant/nether portal/imp cap mess up was hilarious they just ignored and cut their losses.

Hell doom doesnt even exist to the devs even though it sits on the middle of the spec tree since the beginning of the exp. It gotten to the point that most locks have an idea of just work with what we get because any time the lock dev tries something with this case demo, they end up touching things players werent even talking about or a problem to begin with.

Now you just ignore most of the specs capstones due to poor ideas/designs by the devs.

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Personally I don’t mind it. I hated having so much of our damage locked behind tyrant and I very much prefer a more sustained design.

I’m also not a fan of button bloat so ignoring some abilities is welcome. And I’m so glad to be away from Nether Portal… omg just let that ability die already. It’s such a ball and chain when we have to use it.

Personally I’d prefer they replace doom with the Doom Brand tier bonus. It fits the spec so well and would make it worth taking

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Amen. While you and I don’t agree much this we definitely can agree on.

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One change id like to see is tyrant replaced with Metamorphosis while basically doing the same thing. Cooler, and makes sense. I’m the demon commander

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We’re never getting Metamorphosis back since Demon Hunters exist.

Ill be glad when Meta demo returns, or when Big Tyrant/portal comes back.
Til then I stay unholy for big boorst.

It won’t be.

Was trash and hopefully doesn’t come back.

Reason I play unholy now <3
big booooooorst

Lord…so far demonology doesnt have any trouble holding #2 or even #1 (in 5 man runs) on Details even though I have no clue what Im doing and just banging keys blindly, lol.
Where is the spec at in DPS rankings?

Hmm are you saying youre not spreading the tier set dot around efficiently at all.

Blindly playing the spec shouldnt net you 1st place on good mythic plus tier groups.

I dont do mythic. Just a casual player. But even then I dont see how banging keys should be getting very good DPS results, let alone constantly causing me to pull threat so much.
Dungeon a few minutes ago nearly died because everything…like 3 packs of crap…started chasing me down instead of anyone else :joy:
What the hell is this spec eating for breakfast? Killer Wheaties?

Did have a tank say something like ‘THAT is why Im losing aggro’.
Figuring its either my pet or the DPS this thing puts out

Edit…actually, I think I see whats going on. Ive gone a bit overboard with trying to talenting for multi-target damage. When its one target it seems to be doing pretty good, but when its a mob or two thats where the damage is #1 most of the time, assuming Im not being silenced, slept or kicked in the groin, lol.

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I miss imp gang boss. That was really fun.

Shadow bolt is pretty lame. Would be cool if they replaced it with soulfire. Soulfire as a filler would be sick.

Demon bolt with an execute damage buff would be cool as well.