Demonology once again passed over and ignored. Im sick of this

You’re ignoring the fact that it has not been viable in most content for 4 years. That’s not acceptable. Also, as I, and the OP have stated, it’s not even just numbers. Even if the spec had good damage numbers, it still has so many horrible design flaws. Demo is comparable to Affliction, except all of your dots are casted. All of your dots can also be line of sighted, crowd controlled, outranged, killed. Demo is also extremely reliant on AI for a majority of their damage which is incredibly stupid because AI can never possibly be 100% reliable. Most of Demo’s damage is dealt in their Tyrant window which requires like 10 seconds straight of ramp, and one small interrupt in your ramp destroys any damage potential you had. You are very ignorant.


I like how you say that I’m ignoring a fact based on my opinion that numbers aren’t the end all be all, and then you do nothing but basically talk about numbers, lawl

Ignore him, hes a trolling donkey not worth a response hence only 5 post. Hes peak levels of cringe and pathetic.


It’s good the skill cap on demo is just too high.
Skill cap order

I talked about numbers in one sentence. Every other sentence I talked about the inherent design flaws with the spec. I agree with you that numbers aren’t the be all end all, but when a spec is completely unviable in any sort of high end content, that’s an issue whether you’d like to remain ignorant about it or not. If you can’t play a spec in certain content, that is an issue. And again, Demo isn’t bad in PvP or M+ because of numbers, it’s bad because it is too reliant on gimmicky ramp mechanics. If you can’t sit still and cast for 10 seconds, you might as well not be doing damage at all. I like how you’re trying to justify a broken spec being completely ignored for multiple years based on your “opinion”.

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You got the order backwards. Affliction definitely has the highest skill cap and Destro is definitely the easiest of the warlock specs. Demo doesn’t have a high skill cap though. The rotation doesn’t really change. The Tyrant setup is pretty cookie cutter and most of your damage is during that window. And I can’t stress this enough, demo is not “good”. It’s almost completely unplayable in all forms of Pvp, and high end Pve content. It has way too many problems and has had these same problems for the last 5 years. It needs to be reverted finally.


What’s wrong with demonology?

he cant get over old demo being gone

Read the OP and my posts. We explained most of what’s wrong with Demonology.

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That’s the thing people play around tyrants and not around imps. Its like Implosion doesn’t exist. Afflic is by far the easiest spec of the bunch: simple dot rotation and reset. Demo comes really close to destro in terms of having to manage stuff to optimize damage.

How is a fire mage’s damage outside of combustion?

They have mediocre damage outside of combustion but they have a way to reliably reset combustion and at least their damage is caused by them and not a braindead AI. That was only one of my points though. Damage could easily be reshuffled out of Tyrant. That wouldn’t fix any of the other issues it has.

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Youre an idiot, I dont even want old demonology back because I think legions rework is my favorite iteration to date. The other poster keeps pushing for old mop era demo.

I just want the current demonology to function in todays game. Tyrant should not have a cast time. Shadowfury should not have a cast time. Call Fel Lord/Call observer should not be meme abilities that are functionally useless. I dont want my pet to die to casual collateral AoE

No where in my post donkey did I say i want old demonology back.


They should add metamorphosis though, fun ability.

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Putting previous iterations of Demonology aside, can you be a bit more explicit about why you can’t do damage with Demonology in its current iteration? What keys are you doing? How about raid, are you doing normal, heroic, or mythic? What kind of dps are you doing in keys and raid? What ilvl is your lock? What rating are you in pvp? What comp are you running?

sorry was referencing the other dude not you

When did I say I can’t do damage? And regardless that doesn’t change the fact that it’s actually almost completely unplayable in PvP. You have 1 casting school, most of your damage is in glorified DoTs that can be crowd controlled, line of sighted, outranged, and the AI is incredibly unreliable. Highest Demo main on ladder is 2500 (which is not that high since CR is inflated right now). There’s a blood DK at higher CR than that. That’s pathetic. Even Fury, which has always been considered the mediocre warrior spec for PvP has a CR of 2800. Demo is a joke.

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What is your CR? Also, it looks like highest demo lock is currently 2700. In general, warlocks aren’t doing as well as a lot of other classes on the ladder.

Blizz don’t like fun. Anti-fun designs. Anti-fun systems.


sorry friend, they deleted Demonology in WoD in preparation for Legion and I suspect that it will never make a return to awesomness.

Legit they destroyed a once interesting class spec and replaced it with a non-interesting class (demon hunter)