Demonic Pact moved to the Waist Rune Slot

Hey Devs! I know we might not get class adjustments but I think this is very important for the health of Warlocks as a whole.

Please move Demonic Pact to the waist so that Solo DPS warlock can use either Demonic Grace or Everlasting Affliction as the support warlock.

This move would also allow Solo Meta Warlock tanks to use Pact for thier Raid without becoming a burden for healers. It would the Tank to alleviate the stress that the support role can have on other DPS warlocks, let us pick up that mantel like we had done earlier in Season of Discovery.

Vossiel, a meta warlock that has run pact this entire time up until p4 and would love to use my tanking runes and pact for my raid.

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I honestly think that demonic pact and mark of chaos should just be baseline for warlock. Every single raid wants them and considering warlock is the least played class so many of these raids are only running one. Both destro and afflock should be able to use their dps runes without sacrificing anything.