Demonic Healthstone/ Pact of Gluttony 1 button macro

#showtooltip [known:Pact of Gluttony] Demonic Healthstone; Healthstone
/use [known:Pact of Gluttony] Demonic Healthstone
/use Healthstone

Dynamically changes the tooltip depending on whether or not you have the Demonic Healthstone talent. I recommend combining this macro with a simple weakaura that puts an alert on your screen whenever you simultaneously have a regular Healthstone in your inventory and Pact of Gluttony talented. This will safeguard you against:

  1. You activate the talent Pact of Gluttony while already having a normal Healthstone in your inventory, and forget to create a fresh one

  2. You click on another Warlocks soulwell and obtain a regular Healthstone while having Pact of Gluttony talented


I love you, I was looking for this.


This is fantastic. I had been searching for something like this. Thank you. Then I combined what you provided above with Soulburn and used it in my macro.

#showtooltip [known:Pact of Gluttony] Demonic Healthstone; Healthstone
/cast Soulburn
/use [known:Pact of Gluttony] Demonic Healthstone
/use Healthstone

This is so good. Thanks again.