Demonic Core/Doom

I popped something in the bug report forums, but maybe I missed a patch note or someone can let me know if there is a change im missing: Are doom/demonic core procs not working correctly for anyone else?

I’m getting numerous demonic cores, but when I slap a mob with demonbolt I’m not seeing impending doom on them. It only appears to apply like maybe 50% of the time.

I noticed that the proc rate for the Doomguard is laughably low, 8 minutes on a dummy and I had 2 procs. Doomguard went from a sizable chunk of damage to 1% of my damage after testing

They ruined doom with the passive change. Hope to god it gets reverted before launch

I disagree I enjoy the passive mutli-dot gameplay that Doom now offers. It’s actually a talent worth taking which is more than can be said about the spell since Legion.

Single target I had 2 spawn within a minute.
Three targets I had 3 spawn.
I am not talented into Doom Eternal.

Are you talented into Power Siphon?
Outside of PS I am struggling to generate Cores.

And yeah, the Doom application rate seems to be a little under half the Demon Cores I cast. The tooltip should really be updated to specify or at least say “has a chance”.

Nope I just tried it right now and for the past 2 mins i haven’t gotten a single proc in single target since the doomguard was change to be only single target. You shouldnt be slotting doomguard going for a cleave / aoe runs.

In single target the dooguard ability procs has a very low chance to proc. Also if you change between a pvp dummy and a pve dummy that ability has a pvp modifier reducing its damage by 50% this is for a new doomguard proc that now only does low single target damage and has a lower chance to proc than the original with lower core generation.

I am also having cases where demon bolt is not applying doom as well, is not often but it is happening and this is a damn issue with lower cores.

If you’re trying to track Impending Doom, that’s the wrong debuff. It just applies Doom.

I was just at the target dummies. But even solo I was still getting around 2 Doomguards a minute earlier. But now I went like 4 minutes and got one.
They need to smooth out whatever the proc odds are.

The tooltip specifies Impending Doom, but yeah it applie Doom, seems like an oversight on Blizzards part.
But Demonic Cores (which also seem to be harder to acquire now?) are not applying Doom 100% of the time either.

A theory I heard is that your Demonbolt hitting is when it checks if you have a Core proc and if you do, it applies Doom. So if you only have one core and hit DBolt, it likely won’t apply Doom. No idea if it’s true or not

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Lol i just tested this out with only 1 core and it is indeed not applyign doom when you only have 1 core on you. hahhahah

Just did the same thing a 2nd time. So apparently if you only have 1 core on you and shoot it. It will not apply doom.

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Yeah, it seems that what Adamology said holds up. I’m only getting Doom if it’s my first cast and I have another charge ready to spend, e.g. after using Power Siphon.