with the changes for level squish they should add heirloom glaives
I support this.
use swords
Yeah that would make sense actually.
Eh… there’s agility swords/fist weapons
Tmog battle worn thrash blade and arcane ripper
Seems a waste to add an heirloom that only one class can use.
I agree!
yeah just think of those poor rogues and warriors that cant use Bow/rifles
Such a good orc hunter!
On the other hand tmogginga existing recolor of the legion artifact or a less glittery war glaive could be easy too. Could be even categorized as a sword if you wanted it too.
But they didn’t need to add in agility fist weapons at all given the other options, yet they still did. So warglaive heirlooms ain’t a big stretch.
Technically speaking they can, unless that’s changed during my absence.
But Demon Hunters have access to their entire toolkit while using weapons other than glaives, so it’s hardly comparable.
They also added the Eagletalon Spear somewhat recently. I expect it wouldn’t take much effort to make heirloom glaives.
Right that was the most recent one (weapon that is), forgot about that.
Behind this as well.
Would they be low res models? lol
Yeah, 8 bit graphics… LOL!
Tmog makes this kinda moot, doesn’t it?

yeah just think of those poor rogues and warriors that cant use Bow/rifles
There’s a difference: hunters can’t use anything else. DHs can use swords and fist weapons. Which we already have as heirlooms.
Now, I’m not saying don’t add them. They added an intelllect shield, which was also unnecessary, because off-hand.
What I really want are just more warglaives for transmog. The ones from around Black Temple.