Demon Hunters VS Shadow the Hedgehog

Let’s see how the WoW Edgelords compare to the Edgehog himself!

  • 1 - Wings.

Demon Hunters have terrible wings that can’t fly.

Shadow the Hedgehog has good wings that can fly.

Shadow the Hedgehog wins.

  • 2 - Creators

Shadow the Hedgehog was created by a scientist trying to cure his sick granddaughter and an alien demon wizard trying to conquer the universe.

Demon Hunters were created by a creepy guy whose greatest ambition was to seduce his sister-in-law.

Shadow the Hedgehog wins by not being a creep.

  • 3 - Transformations

Demon Hunters can transform into Illidans and Diablos.

Shadow the Hedgehog can transform into a Super Saiyan and a C’thulhu.

Since anything (ANYTHING) is cooler than Illidan, Shadow the Hedgehog wins by default.

  • 4 - Weapons

Demon Hunters are famous for wielding weird and unpractical pizza cutters called “Warglaives” (lol) into battle.

Shadow the Hedgehog rarely ever uses weapons because his body is the deadliest weapon. When he does use weapons though, he uses sensible and practical guns.

Shadow the Hedgehog wins by virtue of practicality and style.

  • 5 - Edgy Auto-defining Phrase

Shadow the Hedgehog has “I am the Ultimate Lifeform!”, which is accurate.

Demon Hunters have “I am my scars!”, which is something a cringy teenager would yell at the bathroom mirror.

Shadow the Hedgehog wins with facts and logic.

  • End Results:

Shadow the Hedgehog wins on every level.

Demon Hunters were a mistake.


This just might be the most elaborate dunk on Demon Hunters you’ve done so far…

…That I know of.


Also shadow defeated the devil from the bible

edit Dangit I forgot about the F bombs in this video lemme yoink that

edit 2 Okay this one doesn’t have swears. Forum safe lol


Just fulfilling my duty as a proud citizen of the Twisting Nether :smiley:

I’m now convinced

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If shadow was playable in wow, that would be my character of choice.

(But then again i also am a sucker who will buy any sonic game that has him in it)

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i respect the hedgehog-hustle.
:sunglasses: :+1:

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Shadow the Hedgehog class when? :heart_eyes:

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Tinker class confirmed.

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We should also get a Hedgehogen Allied Race!


Alternative take: Shadow wanted to defeat the black aliens, so he is a racist.

Demon hunters win by a landslide.

Now do Demon Hunters vs Sonichu

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I had to Google it.

Then I trembled in fear.


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When my little brother send me the Trailer of Shadow, I thought: “Green Jesus, why can’t Demon Hunters do this already??? This is humiliation on ALL levels when a F*** Hedgehog get to EVERYTHING players have been asking FOR LITERAL YEARS! Even NPC’s get to do new cool things with Cosmic Voidy powers like Sarkareth with his slow Meta plus Cosmic Void powers and even Alleria a Hunter… does better DH with Shadow powers that we ever saw with freaking Illidan the OG Demon Hunter Chad of all chads, like, WT****” (then I was laughing to myself for losing my sh* over pixels as an adult and reply to my little brother: “That’s really cool you get to play Shadow as you always wanted, grumble, grumble I’ll play it with you when it comes out”*)

Sad life of 2 spec Demon Hunter players… while SOME classes have literal 4 spec with 4 hero talents… (Just joking/teasing at this point but you get the idea, lol :rofl:)