Demon Hunter's "Sigils"

The vengeance spec has 4 sigils…

Flame (Green)
Silence (Blue)
Misery (Purple)
Chains (Yellow)

When you place them down they show these markings on the ground and then explode… Do those markings mean anything or are they just there for coolness?

One would imagine that they’re representative of the runes you’d use to make a ritual circle.

These werent really explained, but you can notice that all sigils will pulse 3 times, the first time is the only one that has a unique pattern. The second and third pulses use the same additions on the outer circle. My personal opinion is that the first sigil markings call up a specific type of power, fire, silencing, chains, etc. The second focuses the power, and the third releases it. If so, the second and third pulsings each have a meaning of focus/release respectively. Keep in mind that these are also likely spells created by illidan. He was a very strong and talented sorcerer so him creating shortcuts for magic that can be used on the fly to fight demons seems up his alley. Not every DH is gonna be magically talented.


Yes they are.

arguably not… the only real requirements seem to be willingness to sacrifice and a strong physical body. They seem to seal a demon within themselves. What are the chances that all demon hunters have the ability to use a variety of magics… unlikely considered a good chunk are night elves, who say no to magic.

They’re channeling fel energy through their bodies, they have spectral sight from burned out eye sockets. How can they be anything BUT magical?

Without magic, they’d be both blind, and consumed by the fel within.

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magical =/ magically talented. Or do you think garrosh, infused with void energy somehow became magically talented. the sigils are clearly used to shape the magic because not all dhs can cast without them. Otherwise why use sigils at all, why not just cast the spell.

But,… aren’t demon hunters,…
not opposed to magic? Night Elven Demon Hunters likely don’t care about having to learn a bit of arcane, shadow, or fel.

Perhaps not all demon hunters are talented with these magics and don’t use them as often, but I don’t think the Sigils represent that.

I’ll forgive you because most of the demon hunter lore is in a book.

Any demon hunter who is alive is magically gifted. They cannot survive being a demon hunter without being magically gifted. It isn’t something that Illidan could (or had) given anyone.


This is true.

It’s also why Illidan was only training elves in becoming Demon Hunters-- it wasn’t some inherent racism towards the bumbling, power-hungry, bloodthirsty fel orcs or the duplicitous Ashtongue Broken. Elves have a natural affinity for magic thanks to the Well of Eternity (i.e. mutating from trolls to elves). It’s why we’ve got a different breed of elf for just about every type of magic.

Given the non-muated draenei’s affinity for magic, one could argue they’re also potential candidates, but so far only elves are capable.

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Or twistable enough to follow such a dubious path.

Assumedly they represent the things they are trying to bring about, channeling fel energy to bring about a specific effect. But I don’t see anything that would confirm that.

Clearly Làz isn’t saying Demon Hunters aren’t innately magical. Merely that their channeling of magic isn’t necessarily based on some deep understanding of fel metaphysics.


Yea essentially not every elf is gonna be a master spell caster able to create complicated and varied pieces of magic. Most mages and warlocks focus on one aspect. We see that in the warlock special quest where they each focus on one thing. Also keep in mond the sigils on a dh body are also for channel fel magic for them. Rather then having to cast a spell or channel it constantly.

Think “signs” from the Witcher.

Simple, efficient spells that don’t require complex ritual in the midst of combat.

Well, no those are to keep the demon within from taking control, explicitly.