Can we please get transmog option for the DH wings. I hate looking at these things. For the wow karens yes I am well aware of the GLYPHS baby food wings.
No holes in wings
Removable wings
Permanent Wings
Different colors and textures
This is my rant
They do seem to have remembered glyphs existed with a datamined monk glyph. We can only hope they do more.
I want feathered wings as a glyph option. It would go well with my nature’s guardian demon hunter look.
I agree feathered wings would be a great addition
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I want energy wings: wings made of fel flame.
i like my shredded wings…
That is so cool an idea!
Yep, me too. Feathered wings made Illidan roll over in his grave … or wherever he’s hanging his horns nowadays! 
Yeah, I’d like mine to just have his wings out the entire time.
Might as well give them flying like the Dracthyr.
And let goblins and gnomes into the demon hunter class
Metal wings like Archangel would be pretty dope. Also, a robot suit…Gundam DH.
It’ll be more like in a glyph form than an customizable. I would like the wings to be bigger.
This new winged discussion is amazing and productive KEEP IT GOING!!!
I literally don’t care if its expanded glyphs or xmog. I have no opinion on how it’s implemented, I just want options.
San’Layn style wings would be cool
I’d totally be down with some of these. I honestly really like the idea of a slightly feathered option for like Night Elves. Lore-wise, Demon Hunters used to be other classes. Stands to reason a former Night Elf Druid could still have some lingering vestiges of that life. Especially after they added in that kinda nature-themed warglaive model, and especially the one that leaves the flower trails behind you on certain abilities.
I mean illidan is feathered wing adjacent? His brother is malfurion so he’s close.
Also, hear me out you can still keep your shredded wings. CRAZY!!! WIN-WIN!
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No, no logic there. My premise wasn’t about winning … or trying to jam on anyone thinking out of the box! Actually good to think of anything different in appearance changes. We really do need more options.
That said…
This speaks to logic so maybe available on havoc spec but not veng.
Also logical!
Did not know about that! Cool - where did I miss it?
Glyph idea is great - helps inscription and herbalist. Bigger wings, though cool looking, would be an extra witch in a dungeon or raid. The other thread was talking about something similar with hunter pets and being able to toggle off seeing them to see what’s going on in the instance.
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Veng is a monster it doesn’t even have wings in META. SPIKES!!! OOH SOO MANY COOL EDGEY SPIKEY BOIS!!!
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I’m not opposed to permanent wings. Presuming when you have them they disable cloak transmog and then hang off your back while not using them. Akin to
https ://
I thought the animated series “Gargoyles” from the '90s had a great idea with wings: how they draped forward over the shoulders and “hooked” in front, like a cloak, when not in use.
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It’s sort of like a hidden quest line (edit - there’s no actual quest though so don’t be confused by my use of the term) that the Secret-Finding Discord stumbled on literally months (OK it was like 2 but still) after it had been added in the Emerald Dream patch. There’s a random Night Elf Demon Hunter NPC hanging out by a tree near the edge of the central camp inside the dream - it’s kind of on a hill that overlooks the small area where the Superbloom starts. If you talk to him on any character but a Demon Hunter, you don’t really get much…but he kind of drops a hint that you might find him elsewhere in the game in older content (3 expansions old) if you are a Demon Hunter. I’m being cryptic so as to not spoil it if you wanna try to figure it out on your own from there, but I would imagine a quick Googling would take you to the same Wowhead page that held my hand through every step so I didn’t have to think if you need help 
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