Demon Hunter Starting Zone skip?

Is there one? That’s gonna be the deciding factor if I reroll a alt.

No. Sorry.

neigh. - some horse

Don’t think so but you can rip through it so fast it’s ridiculous.

An alt*

And there’s no skip, so don’t worry about rerolling.

There is a skip, make a demon hunter, Dont log into it for three months, update gear. So I heard. Also,

  1. Delete Hearthstone
  2. Place your DH right on the edge of Khadgar’s teleport zone
  3. “Teleport to Graveyard” (Game Menu → Help → Character Stuck)
  4. Revive outside of the teleport zone

Wow, that is some necro!

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While I know its a necro, there are other people who will search and find this thread, and a “skip” is just bad advice, because DH is the only class to be handed a free re-usable flask-- Assuming they retrieve it from the DH-only starting zone.

Free stats while leveling is nothing to balk at.

Comparatively, you have Repurposed Fel Focuser, Oralius’ Whispering Crystal, and Crystal of Insanity. All of which are ether rare drops, or require you to invest a decent chunk of additional time in old content in order to acquire.

I made one 6months ago and let it sit and it never got the “free gear upgrade” option