Demon Hunter redemption arc

My demon hunter has almost regained his connection to nature. Now I just need to fix those wings. Blizz, how about a glyph of feathered wings? It would go great with Alara’shinu!

But… you are your scars


Some good ol leafy wings.

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That would be awesome too!

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Or don’t play a DH.

Why do people pick a class them immediately want to make changes to it.

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I dunno maybe they played a demon hunter for 3 expansions and wants more glyphs like Druid got recently. Is that too big an ask?


Changes are the entire point of glyphs.


Or understand people like choices.

Why do people get frustrated when others ask for more customization for their class. Kind of what glyphs where made for to begin with, for almost every class

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Shadow Lands should have handed DH a kyrian style wing glyph.

I want a pitlord wing glyph where the wings are just comically small.


Just wait until you find out about Hero Talents.

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We have very naturey outdoor sets, they got some nice, naturey glaives, what’s wrong with wanting to have wings to match. People like cohesion.

I wish there were feral, guardian, and land travel forms that were themed from Revendreth to go with the bat flight forms, why? Because they have Revendreth bat flight forms, but it feels odd the have this vampiric bat, and transform into a… blue cat or wooden cat. Sure there are feral forms that could match, but it’s not quite the same as having forms to actually match the zone that you’re taking inspiration from.

Tangent aside. It’s nice when things don’t look out of place.

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they still exist but overtime they fade. the reason why they exist to begin with is to protect, now its time for the people you protected to protect and heal you

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Demon Hunter :no_entry_sign:
Demon Hugger :white_check_mark:


Not gonna lie, that should be a thing.

Hear me out:

Druids get to have a Demon Hunter themed Bear Form.

So, I think it’s only fair to let Demon Hunters get some Druid cosmetics.


Redemption? I don’t need redemption. Anyone seeking redemption in their demon hunter should be forced to class change to rogue or warrior, loose the tattoos and have to wear a shirt for all eternity.

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I like the contrast of Forsaken, DH, and DK in nature-themed armor, where they can’t change who they are underneath, but I also think people should get more customization choices, so that they can feel good about their characters, too.

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Want to redeem the Demon Hunter?? Give us a non elf option.

Why would you do such a thing to those poor non-elven races? :scream:

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I wanna try one out! and I ain’t playing an elf. I’m considering using my level 70 coin to make one so I can have one and not have to play an elf.

Yes, the juxtaposition can also be very fun to play around with. For a while I had a Lightforged Draenei Priest, she was a shadow priest, which kind of contradicts the whole lightforged thing. :dracthyr_hehe: Now if only Lightforged Draenei had good radials. :dracthyr_a1: