Demon Hunter question:

How do you DHs build up your “Fury”. My new Pandaria DH seems to be out of Fury a lot of the time. What do you do?

They watch a conservative news program.


Heh (ten characters)!

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I know I build fury when I see Demon Hunters.


Heh(ten characters)!

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Well most demon hunters use “demon blades” talent which makes your auto attacks generate fury.

There’s also fel blade which generates fury.

In MoP remix, you end up with 100% haste so your melee attacks will be going crazy and should never be starved for fury.

In retail, there are times where we run low on fury. There are some other talents that make immolation aura and vengeful retreat also give fury.

Early levels will feel pretty bad before you get a lot of those talents.

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Thank you. I am piling on as much haste as I can find.