Can we get someone working on DH?
Can we get anyone communicating on DH?
I am itching to cancel my sub. This is beyond unbelievable. What does it cost you to say, we are working on xyz for DH, you will have the changes on PTR within x weeks.
I am beyond annoyed with the way things are.
But that would be lying, because none of that is true.
been this way since 10.2. so little work was done on havoc for the entirety of TWW alpha and beta that u could log on and not even have to change ur talents, because nothing was changed AT ALL during that entire development period.
the first 11.1 build gave us a couple changes to the talent tree, the first we’d seen in over a year. most of them are bugged and untestable, and since that initial build havoc got ZERO mention in any builds.
id just get used to it at this point, or just reroll
DH is the only class that didn’t even get a mention in this update. Not even a single change listed and we have a ton of broken stuff, not to mention having to deal with the fall out from removing Any Means Necessary. I hope our dev is almost done with rogues, so they can at least fix the bugs with the changes that have been made so we can at least start to test.
Seriously, two patches of notes in the PTR and no updates yet. Things broken with the class so tuning can’t be done.
I’m seriously guessing DH is going to go out pretty lackluster and it’ll be weeks before they buff them so DH’s get ready to get carried through raids and M+ for the first few weeks.
This is so bad.
I realize that they are different devs, and different priorities based on player population…but it feels absolutely awful to be a DH player right now, watching Hunters and Mages getting like 12+ lines of changes EVERY SINGLE BUILD. I swapped to Evoker this tier because Aldrachi was literally nerfed to uselessness and abandoned, and I find Fel-Scarred incredibly boring, but like is this a Demo in WoD situation, where you’d prefer we’d just not play it?
I would like to play Havoc, but there is an entire Hero Talent just sitting there, and the spec itself is barely working and has no niche, no real reason to bring to a raid besides the raid buff. The only thing they were arguably good at was very high burst AoE with Demonsurge on uncapped, but that was nerfed and there are better classes (Destro lol) on live and PTR that are just flat out better at that. They do middle to bottom ST, and play like garbage.
What is going on?
I’d prefer that to not knowing anything.
i had hoped they were using that time to actually fix that abomination of a tree, but clearly they weren’t. It’s great that pack leader and marksman got entire reworks, but aldrachi’s only change being one talent and a side effect of that change actually making it generate fewer souls is pretty laughable.
exactly. I would really rather they just come out and say “we don’t want you playing havoc right now” if they don’t want to do anything for the spec
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And the change is bugged and not working as it is worded…
Man they didn’t even touch cycle of hatred, it’s unbelievable.
They went in, screwed things up and left.
I bet we got the DH dev and AWOL stands for Away Working On Legolas
It’s a joke at this point.
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Here I am hoping the dev working on hunters be given demon hunters to look after…
They were so lazy with DH, rather than working on them, they said, people seemed to like them an expansion ago in season 3, lets throw that back on em and call it a day (and ruin the current method that people play them in the process).
No tuning, no communication, no nothing. Seems like its going to be the exact same way it was for season 1 of TWW. Every tuning update i looked for some communication, hoping DH was making its way to a more playable state, but nope.
Hey Blizzard, you know Havoc is legit unplayable in anything where someone has to agree to let you in a group, right? I literally had to change classes because no one would accept me in M+ because theyre in such a garbage state and bring zero utility to boot. All those affixes you love so much? Havoc is dog crap with em.
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