Glad this was here because I was thinking of posting into the DH forums but felt guilty as I am a newbie without much “current news” value to add, can’t tell you how to play the class… I’m learning myself*… yet I wanted to provide feedback akin to this thread.
*New to WoW, sans a short stint in vanilla, but not not new to Illidan as I was a HUGE HUGE fan of him in WC3 and even in custom games just adored using that hero model. Not new to MMOs but I am primarily a FFXIV player giving the game a try due to warband creating a job-“like” parity which is essentially an MMO requirement for me since FFXI.
Anyway, here it goes and I apologize the slight tangents at the end:
While I was playing, I was enjoying playing DH and I really wanted to be able to go even more demon / utilize wings. Particularly I was hoping to hold the wings like Illidan in The Frozen Throne part of WC3, really love this look.
Please also consider adding to the open world mobility with these wings. I don’t have a strict preference, but one example would be continuing the glide mechanic (spacebar). So like if you HOLD spacebar a bar will appear and after approx 1 - 1.5 seconds you enter flight mode.
I would hope for a parity to Soar; although, I certainly probably like more and wouldn’t argue if it was a visual remix of the dragon flight system
. Remix can simply be Druid but for DH, or it could be “good, but different”, for example being a more skill hectic / faster acceleration (and faster falling, where if you don’t engage more actively you’ll probably just be landing on the ground soon), where you use your skill animations like fel rush akin to soar, vengeful retreat akin to updraft / regen energy, etc.
The tangent… please add the skull of Guldan demon form… I love that metamorphosis so much (again from being a WC3 player). For context, that’s the one where they become a big shadowy demon (Warlock in season of discovery gets quite close to be honest). The greedy desire would be to just add demon form customization, so players can unlock and choose some options (including even Havoc vs Vengeance).
Super tangent- I like the eyebeam, but at least to me while Illidan has had an army (Naga, etc) in WC3 I always envisioned them as a lone wolf (I know our DH is not Illidan… duh… but I cannot separate these vibes in my mind). So, the talent that empowers Illidan’s eye beam by summoning another demon… no desire to remove that if someone likes that thing, but I just wanted to toss feedback that I feel if there was an option that was just bigger badder eye beam that’d be neat. Feels weird (not horrible, just weird), that I have an ally and I prefer to just be a bigger badder demon lol.
Thanks for the thread, glad I didn’t have to decide if I wanted to make one. I know from reading that it has been asked in the past, but I feel given the current re-energization of blizzard that there is a higher chance someone might bother to consider feedback. Which is another reason why I gave the game a try recently, that’s pretty big and I hope they can keep it up / improve it. Too many companies ask for the check and then give you the finger as thanks. Yes the company needs to make money (it is a job after all), but can have fun making a great game and working with the players while rolling in the wealth lol.