Demon Hunter Cant jump

This happens to me all the time as well, please fix blizz

I used a toy and that fixed it. Specifically the Brazier of Dancing Flames but Iā€™m sure others would do it too.

This weird bug is still happening. Jump just stops working all of a sudden, have to mount up for it to work again. This post was made in 2019 and is still happening? Wtf

Iā€™ve been playing DH since they released, and never encountered this bug in typical play. The only time I find this to be an issue is when my ISP decides to be crap for the night.

Been playing DH since Legion and never encountered this issue myself. Only time I saw something similar to this was a notable elevator bug at the start of this expansion that caused camera and movement to go funky mode.

I just encountered this bug on my Havoc Dh just screwing around in SW. One thing that I noticed seems to trigger it is if you use Vengeful Retreat and then Eye Beam mid air it seems to bug you out into not being able to jump. I was able to glide if I dropped off an edge but just not jump/double jump. The only way I found to fix this was to use Eye Beam again and it got me out of the bug.

Hope this helps others who get it.

I jump a LOT and Iā€™ve run into this issue on my DH thatā€™s 2 weeks old almost daily. At least Iā€™m not crazy that itā€™s a thing.

This has happened countless times to me, seemingly at random. How has this bug still not been fixed forā€¦ 5+ years? Another way to fix it is to vengeful retreat into glide, and itā€™ll restore your ability to jump.

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August 2024 - still happening. I jumped hit an invisible wall on a staircase then couldnā€™t jump again for at least a minute maybe more. Sucks because I was in a raid.

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